Does Kimchi Go Bad All About Kimchi Shelf Life 2022

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Kimchi KoreaKimchi is a popular spicy fermented cabbage dish in Korea There have been many debates on the subject “ does kimchi go bad ? ”, precisely like how many can not come to a consensus if it ’ s a good idea to freeze sauerkraut. As kimchi and sauerkraut are both ferment vegetable, some people think that their shelf-life is indefinite and need no freeze .
Kimchi is a popular Korean dish with piquant fermented pilfer and a few more vegetables. I much buy kimchi at a korean grocery store shop and a korean lady working there told me that kimchi doesn ’ deoxythymidine monophosphate go bad if it is taken care of properly .
But then, what does the termination date labelled on the kimchi jar mean ?

You must have had this question in take care since you are stumbling across this article here. Well, you good happened to come to the correct target, since I will be answering your question with extra information on how long kimchi can last and how to by rights store kimchi .
By doing so, I hope you will be satisfied with the information I provide and enjoy your kimchi to its fullest !

Does Kimchi Really Go Bad?

The good thing about kimchi is it normally takes a long prison term for it to go bad. however, “ bad ” here is not about kimchi being spoiled, since it rarely does. We talk about “ bad ” as there may be mold appearing on kimchi, or the smell and texture would be a bite off .
spoil rarely happens for kimchi, but the quality of the kimchi will degrade over a naturally of fourth dimension with the possibility of model appearing on it. so yes, kimchi does go badly and the summons of it going bad will differ on how you store your kimchi .
frequently though, kimchi that has been stored for a while may start to have signs appearing that we tend to think it has gone regretful, where in reality, it is absolutely normal. Below, I ’ ll explain about signs that kimchi is distillery able to be consumed, and how to tell when kimchi has actually gone badly .

Signs That It Is Still Ok To Eat Kimchi

It is normal for us to get concern about food that we sense is different as they were from the initial department of state. however, just because there are a few differences doesn ’ thymine average that the food has gone bad. like goes for kimchi !
Below are the signs we tend to misunderstand that kimchi has gone bad, but in world we can calm decidedly consume it :

  • Sourness: The fermentation process for kimchi is ongoing no matter if it is stored in the fridge or at room temperature, but faster at room temperature. As the kimchi gets more fermented, the sourness will increase as time passes but this does not mean the kimchi has gone bad.
  • Soft and Mushy: When kimchi is stored for a long time, it does get softer and sometimes mushy, too, but that is also not a sign of it going bad. In fact, soft kimchi can still be a phenomenal side dish for potstickers. Try this once and tell me how you think.
  • Explodes When Opening: Due to fermentation, sometimes the gas will build up and may cause the liquid to bubble up and overflow.
  • Bulging Cap: Same as the small exploding above, the gas may build up and cause a bulging cap.

How To Know When Kimchi Has Gone Bad?

Although kimchi has a long shelf life when by rights stored, it does go bad. Bad doesn ’ thymine mean that this K-something food is spoiled, but there are signs that will appear which indicate kimchi should not be consumed more due to health reasons. Those signs are as below :

  • Mold: Mold does not mean kimchi is spoiled, but it grows on kimchi that is old and indicates that the kimchi should not be used anymore. Mold carries bacteria, so if you ignore the sign and eat it, it may cause food poisoning.

Mold Grown On Kimchi Mold grown on kimchi may cause you food poisoning

  • Smells and Tastes Off: It is hard to describe, but if you do check your kimchi and find a weird smell or taste besides it being more sour, it is an indication that the kimchi is too old and should be discarded for health reasons.

Smell Or Taste Off On Kimchi Smell or taste that are off on kimchi also indicate it is time to discard your kimchi

Kimchi’s Shelf Life – How Long Can It Last ?

There is no accurate distance of which can be defined as kimchi ’ second shelf life, so manufacturers tend to think about the quality of the taste and print out a “best-by” date on the kimchi jars or packages .
As mentioned, since “best-by”date is just an estimation of when we should eat kimchi to get the best flavor out of it, if by rights stored, it may silent be fine to consume even after the label go steady .
however, the sourness will increase faster after the “ best-by ” date if up until a period where even sour kimchi that has been turned into a courteous cook dish evening makes you feel uncomfortable due to its sourness, you should discard it. Mold may also grow or start growing as we keep ignoring the distance of storing kimchi, which may cause food poison and other health problems .
Below is the table that estimates when it is best to consume kimchi, and of naturally it is good an estimate indeed if you still want to store your kimchi after that, it is very well. deoxyadenosine monophosphate long as you check carefully if anything is eldritch in your kimchi before you consume it .

 Types Room Temperature Fridge
Kimchi (unpasteurized)  – Post Best-by 1 month
Kimchi (Pasteurized, unopened) Post Best-by 1 – 3 months Post Best-by 1 – 3 months
Kimchi (Pasteurized, opened) 1 week after opened Post Best-by 1-3 months

What Are The Right Ways To Store Kimchi?

Store Kimchi In The Right WayStore kimchi in the right way and you can extend its shelf life Knowing how to store kimchi in the right ways can help to extend kimchi ’ mho shelf life and keep one ’ s health better when consuming the food .
Most of the time, kimchi is being sold unpasteurized, which means the agitation process is ongoing. If you find your kimchi not as sour as you wanted it to be, you can leave the jar at room temperature for 1 day, then put it in the electric refrigerator for the zymosis summons to slow down .
Fermentation speed starts to get slower in a hair-raiser home, therefore the fridge is the best place to maintain the initial taste of kimchi for a longer menstruation of prison term .
These are the main points on how to properly store your kimchi :

  • Keep kimchi constantly in the fridge (unless you want it to ferment faster)
  • Keep the kimchi ingredients below the liquid
  • Seal the jar’s cap or package tightly when not in used
  • Use a clean utensil to take the kimchi out of the jar or package

Can You Freeze Kimchi?

Kimchi can be frozen, and in fact kimchi shelf life can increase up to 7 years when being frozen with a condition that it is unopened before you freeze. If you want to freeze kimchi that has already been opened and used, you should only store it in the deep-freeze for 3 months .
Unopened kimchi can either come in a glass bottle or formative container .
If you want to store unopened kimchi that comes in the glass bottle, make sure you use a clean utensil, such as a clean and well-built kitchen tong. then, transfer the kimchi inside the bottle to freezer bags or freezer-friendly containers.

A field glass bottle may explode in a deep-freeze, and it is dangerous. If you transfer it to a freezer-friendly container, leave 1 – 2 inches of space on the top of the container. besides, make sure you seal the deep-freeze bags or freezer-friendly containers tightly before freeze .
If you want to store unopened kimchi that comes in the plastic container, you can freeze the unopened plastic container directly in the freezer .
For opened kimchi, you can use a clean utensil and scoop into deep-freeze bags or freezer-friendly containers. Leave 1 – 2 inches of space on circus tent for the freezer-friendly containers. Make certain you seal the deep-freeze bags or freezer-friendly containers tightly before you freeze them .


These are some extra information I thought would besides be useful for you to know a morsel more about kimchi shelf life .

What Will Happen if You Eat Bad Kimchi ? Eating bad kimchi can cause not only food poison but besides diarrhea, nausea, and possibly other health issues, besides. taste can besides already be degraded, with it being excessively off and soft .

What Happens if I Keep My opened Kimchi Jar at Room Temperature ? An opened kimchi jar can be stored at room temperature, however kimchi would keep being fermented a lot faster at room temperature than in the electric refrigerator. Unless ferment is what you want your kimchi to happen, it ’ s better to store it in the electric refrigerator .

What Are the Samples of Dishes in Which Kimchi That Is Too Sour to Be Eaten Raw Can Be Used as an component ? even when kimchi is sour to eat raw, cooking it will decrease the sulkiness of it. There are hundreds of ideas of Korean to fusion dishes that use kimchi, and some of the most popular ones are kimchi stew, kimchi fry rice, kimchi pancakes, kimchi Pasta, and many more .

Trust Your Senses!

Fermented food like kimchi which does not have an claim shelf life and can sometimes be intemperate to determine if it ’ south inactive dear to use or should be discarded. The table shown above is just an estimate of when it is best to consume kimchi, but kimchi can turn bad before or way after the period, depending on how it ’ mho been stored .
That is why using your senses to check if kimchi is still good or not is essential. Check to see if there is mold on it, or any eldritch smell and taste. If the kimchi is besides sour, you can decide if you want to discard it or not, excessively .
Do you have kimchi at home ? How long have you been keeping your kimchi for ? As always, feel barren to parcel your thoughts with me under the comment incision below !
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Bun Ca Long Xuyen

ContentsDoes Kimchi Really Go Bad?Signs That It Is Still Ok To Eat KimchiHow To Know When Kimchi Has Gone Bad?Kimchi’s Shelf Life – How Long

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