Vareniki: Russian Potato Dumplings – Babushka Cooking

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Hello and welcome spinal column to another recipe from Russia, with love ! Earlier this year I shared with you a recipe for kernel dumplings called Pelmeni. Juicy, comfort, woof, adorable Pelmeni. Vareniki is made with the demand like boodle but uses a different fill up. It besides has a slightly unlike shape. actually, you can call its shape an under-folded Pelmeni, because you stop half-way so that they look like a half-circle ( or Gyoza ) .
To go straight to the recipe for Vareniki : russian Potato Dumplings, click here .
Vareniki used to be a year-round thing for me ( second home ), but immediately it seems to belong in the fall. It ’ randomness comforting, but inner light. You can further “ comfort-food-it-up ” by topping with excess caramelized onions and bacon. The traditional top, however, is a generous dollop of sour cream .

Origins, Name & Variations

Vareniki are cosidered a ukranian dish. however, historically, they were originally a turkish dish that finally found their way into most, if not all, post-Soviet republics. I call them here “ russian Potato Dumplings ” because I am russian, my family is russian, and this is what our Vareniki taste like. a lot like Borscht – or any recipe, for that matter – there are many variations. This one is mine ????

The news “ Vareniki ” comes from the give voice “ Varit ” ( with delicate “ t ” at the end, like in news “ tenure ” or “ tube ”. Varit means to boil something, so Vareniki are “ things that have been boiled ”. I find that concern, because they are cooked the claim lapp manner as Pelmeni. But Pelmeni are named for their shape .
There are three types of Vareniki fillings that I can personally recall trying. Potato, bungalow tall mallow, and cherries. The final ones are dulcet, obviously. In my 20 years of eating russian food, I lone tasted bungalow cheese and cherry filled ones once. And I was not a sports fan. Maybe it just wasn ’ t the best adaptation of them. But the potato ones ? There is some kind of familiar magic trick in that .
Small bowl of vareniki: Russian dumplings with potato and onionsSmall bowl of vareniki: Russian dumplings with potato and onions


now, you might be reading this, cooking this, and all the while thinking “ international relations and security network ’ triiodothyronine this… Pierogi ? .. ” .
Yes and no .
To russian speaker, Pierogi is a word for “ pies ” with the stress in the wrong place ( pies – pierogI – пирогИ ). Funnily, English spelling literally puts the word “ pie ” in it .
But the pierOgi dumplings are a polish national dish. much like Vareniki they can be made with a diverseness of fillings .
It can be confusing – I wholly understand. Honestly, I had not heard the password “ Pierogie ” or knew about polish dumplings, until I came to America. I kept thinking “ why do they talk about pies for dinner ? I mean, of course that sounds big, but huh ? And why is it pronounced so different ? ” If you actually want to be confused promote, there are besides “ manti ” – large kernel dumplings of Turkish origin, requiring a particular dish to cook them in. And there are besides georgian khinkali. And that ’ s good from my “ neck of the woods ”, thus to speak – think about all the early dumplings around the world

Recipe Notes

  • Dough

This recipe uses the exact lapp boodle as in my Pelmeni recipe. so, if you have leftover dough, you can freeze it and use it on a different occasion to make Pelmeni, and frailty versa .

Vareniki: Russian Potato Dumplings


Light and comforting potato and onion dumplings in a freshly made dough.

Print Recipe

Prep Time



Cook Time



Making the dough, rolling it out, cutting & shaping



Total Time






Main Course







  • 2 column inch round cutter – you can use a film glaze



  • 2 3/4 C all purpose flour + more for dusting
  • 2 eggs
  • 3/4 C very cold water + more as needed
  • 2 1/2 tsp salt
  • 2 1/2 terabyte olive vegetable oil + more as needed


  • 4 Russet potatoes, peeled, rinsed, and chopped in 1-2 column inch pieces
  • 1 terabyte salt
  • 1

    large fresh onion, peeled, rinsed, and finely cut

  • 1 tuberculosis butter and olive petroleum, each
  • 1/2 tsp salt


  • 3/4 tsp salt
  • 1 terbium butter


  • greens onion, thinly sliced
  • sour cream
  • impertinently grind black pepper



  • Cover the potatoes with water in a large pot and bring to boil.

  • Once boiling, add salt.

  • Let boil, uncovered, for 10-20 minutes or until easily pierced with a knife.

  • Once potatoes are soft, remove from heat, drain the water, and mash.

  • While potatoes are cooking, preheat the butter and olive oil over medium heat in a medium pan.

  • Add the onion, sprinkle with salt, and cook for about 20 minutes or until golden brown.

  • Combine cooked onion and mashed potatoes in a bowl and set aside to cool, while you prepare the dough.


  • Mix all dough ingredients in a bowl. Turn out onto flour surface and massage, until it ’ randomness soft, elastic, and doesn ’ metric ton stick to your hands. Depending on the weather and the humidity, it can take up to 20 minutes .
  • As you knead it, assess the texture and fix, if needed, using the following two steps.

  • If the boodle is excessively dry, rub a couple of drops of olive vegetable oil on your hands, and knead again. If it ’ s still dry, do the lapp but with cold water .
  • Alternate oil and water, as needed, until it’s pliable.

  • If your dough is too runny, dust it with flour and knead again.

  • Grease a bowl with olive oil, place the dough inside and cover with a lightly damp towel.

  • Let your dough rest at room temperature for about 10 minutes before rolling it out and cutting.

Rolling out and cutting

  • Place the dough on a cutting board and cut in half, and then in half again. Leave one piece out and put the rest back in the bowl, covered with lightly damp towel.

  • On a lightly floured come on, scroll out the piece of boodle until it ’ second about 12 inches long/wide. If it sticks to your hands, dust it very lightly with flour. As you roll it out, flip it from clock time to meter to make indisputable the buttocks slope is not sticking to the table .
  • Using a 2 inch round cutter, cut out circles (it should make about 25.)

Shaping Vareniki

  • Set up your work station: small bowl of water, measuring teaspoon, filling, and a cutting board lightly dusted with flour.

  • Dip your finger in water and trace the outer edge of the dough circle. It will help seal it. (The same technique is used with ravioli and gyoza.)

  • Place a teaspoon of filling in the center.

  • Gently push the filling in with your thumbs to stretch the circle out and fold it over. 

  • Pinch the edges really well.

  • When finished, proceed with the rest of the boodle and the fill. You may end up with extra boodle or filling. The dough freezes very well. ( And the extra satiate can be shaped into patties and cooked on both sides. )


  • Bring a medium pot of water to boil. Add salt.

  • Carefully add vareniki to the boiling water and let cook for 2-3 minutes or until floating on top.

  • Take one out and cut it to taste.

  • When all are cooked, strain, and serve with your preferred toppings.

  • Enjoy! ????


Batch cooking, Comfort food, Dumplings, Fall recipes, Homemade pasta, Russian food, Russian recipes, Traditional

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