Incubating Coturnix Quail Eggs | Community Chickens

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  Incubating and hatching your own quail is rewarding for you and your family. ( All photos by generator. )
Hatching japanese Coturnix flinch can be a delightful know. Despite their diminutive size and bantam cheeps on hatching day, quail chicks are bouncy and grow very promptly. brooding requirements for flinch are a little different than those for chickens and other fowl, but are easily to accommodate .

Finding the Right Incubator

Buying the correctly incubator is the most all-important share of hatching. In my experience, an incubator needs to have a built-in thermometer, hygrometer, automatic pistol turner, and fan ( forced air system ). While hatching is potential without one or any of these attributes, incubating become a lot more time-intensive and risks a lower hatch rate. about all incubators available to purchase have a built-in thermometer and sometimes a hygrometer ( to monitor moisture ). Many besides have a forced air travel system, which circulates air in the incubator to keep an even temperature throughout. It ’ second important to read the reviews for the model in question, as well. Reviews may reveal a tendency for the incubator to run excessively hot or cold, or possibly become less accurate over multiple hatches .

Automatic Turner

I consider an automatic turner a necessity, particularly for quail eggs. Turning by hand is possible, but it requires frequently opening the incubator and disrupting the temperature and humidity levels. In summation, flinch egg shells are highly thinly, and any extra treat risks damage to the egg. Furthermore, many people put an “ adam ” in pencil on the shells when hand-turning, but this is much harder to see with the natural disguise of quail eggs.


Some automatic turners use rails, indeed if this is the type of model you ’ re considering, ensure that there are quail egg rails available. These normally need to be purchased individually. Some incubators don ’ thyroxine use rails, but rather have the eggs between slats in a box that slides across the floor, turning them as they go .
Eggs Point Down in Turner Rails
This purpose adjusts to a variety of egg sizes, so no extra purchase should be necessary. Depending on the number of eggs you want to hatch and anticipate frequency of hatches, you may want to spend a fiddling less for a smaller incubator, or a little more for larger capacity and positive feedback on its long-run lastingness. Keep in mind that a larger-capacity incubator can still incubate a little total of eggs ; it doesn ’ t have to be full to operate .

Observation Windows

Some incubators have little observation windows on top, while others have a clear plastic eyelid, or are made wholly of clear credit card. I ’ ve found that the smaller observation windows are prone to fog over with the high humidity required in the survive days of hatching. It may be significant to you to be able to watch the chicks hatch, in which case a clear lid or larger observation window would be ideal. This design makes it easy to keep an eye on which eggs have pipped, or if it seems like a dame is struggling during the hatch process .

Where to Find Quail Eggs

If the incubator runs as expected, it ’ s time to set the egg ! There are many places to buy Coturnix quail eggs online. many breeders ship only on particular days of the week and may have some lead time built in before embark, then be aware of this with your hatching timeline. Make certain to order eggs specifically designated for hatching, as quail eggs can besides be sold for eating or craft and are not feasible to hatch. There are multiple feather color varieties to choose from, and Celadon eggs ( bluish green eggs ) are besides available from some sellers. In the product description, note if a think up rate guarantee or extra eggs will be included. These are not inevitably standard practices, but good perks if offered. There may besides be pictures of the packaging they use. Foam squares with cut-outs that the egg nestle into are ideal, as they increase the base hit and integrity of the eggs in transit .
Quail Egg Packaging

Local Sellers

If you can find a local anesthetic seller, you may be able to pick up the eggs in person. This is the best option, if potential, since the eggs spend the least time in embark and aren ’ t exposed to variable temperatures. Farm provision stores occasionally carry or special-order Coturnix eggs, but there ’ s normally a ask minimum of 50 eggs or more ( more than my stream capacity for flinch ! ). If you have a few friends who ’ ll go in with you on a larger batch, that can be a helpful choice .

Eggs from Your Flock

If you already have quail, you can besides hatch eggs from your own stock. Collect the egg daily, and if you need to collect over the course of a few days to gather enough for your hatch, store them at the mid-50-degree-Fahrenheit range, with the points facing down. A electric refrigerator is excessively dry and coldness for this. Eggs should be less than a workweek old when set in the incubator for better hatch yields. Avoid washing the eggs, as this removes the protective mother on the shells. If there ’ second visible scandal on the egg, gently remove it with a soft-bristled brush, or consider not setting it if the scandal is stubborn. Some raisers like to weigh the eggs and choose the largest ones to facilitate developing a line of larger birds ( particularly for meat producers ) .
I prefer to already have the incubator running and set to the correct temperature and humidity level before putting in the eggs. carefully inspect the eggs, and discard any that are damaged. Set the eggs in the incubator according to the incubator ’ s instructions. If your incubator has rails, place the eggs, points down, in the egg “ cup. ”

Where to Put the Incubator in Your Home

once you have an incubator, there are a few factors in deciding where to put it during brooding. Choose a placement that ’ sulfur unblock from cold drafts or direct sunlight, since this will make it heavily for the heating system to regulate and maintain the proper temperature. The placement should be a low-traffic sphere, and one that ’ randomness protected from curious pets or children. Consider a eventuality plan in the event of a power outage during incubation .

Clean Incubator Well

Make sure to thoroughly clean and sterilize the incubator and rails or inserts, following the manufacturer ’ second directions. Be certain to avoid submerging delicate sensational equipment, heating elements, motors, and the calculator part. I prefer to wash the incubator with warm, buttery body of water, and after rinsing, disinfect with a solution of ¼ cup bleach diluted in 1 gallon of water. Allow to breeze dry. It ’ sulfur crucial not to mix bleach with a soap solution, which can create noxious fumes. Do not use chemical cleaners, as these compounds may absorb into the Styrofoam or plastic, which can harm the explicate eggs. In the future, get into the habit of cleaning the incubator immediately after the chicks are moved to the incubator .

Test Before You Load

once the incubator is clean, dry, and assembled, it ’ randomness time to do a test ply. Put the incubator in your choose placement and fireplug in the power cord and automatic turner. The proper humidity level for quail is 45 percentage during the beginning 14 days ( you may need to add a fiddling water system to the incubator to achieve this ), and the temperature should be at 99.5 degrees Fahrenheit ( 37.5 degrees Celsius ). ideally, have a freestanding thermometer and hygrometer to test the accuracy of the incubator read. Make surely the incubator is keeping the temperature stable ( minimal fluctuations of half a degree are not unusual ). You can use this time to experiment with how much water to add, and how frequently, to achieve the finish humidity degree. There are some incubators that include automated humidity control, or models that accommodate a kit out for this .
Sliding Egg Tray in Incubator

Read more: Air Fryer Sausages

Hatching Your Eggs

Days 1 – 14
Quail by and large take 18 days to incubate, but they can hatch adenine early on as day 16 or a deep as day 20 .
On sidereal day 14, you ’ ll necessitate to stop turning the egg. This means not entirely unplugging the automatic turner ( if your model has a separate cord for that ), but besides removing the eggs from the rails and placing them carefully on the hatch floor .
For some incubators, the floor is already in space underneath the rails or underneath the brood floor. For others, you ’ ll have to remove the brood shock and replace it with the hatch floor .
Most incubators are not specifically designed for flinch, so the floor power system is probable besides wide for flinch dame feet. Put down a layer or two of paper towels on the brood floor, and then gently place the eggs on the paper towels. This process should be done as cursorily and carefully as potential to avoid having the incubator get excessively cold or dry. a far as candling egg goes, I personally don ’ triiodothyronine bother with it, since the coloration of the blast makes it unmanageable to see and the extra handle risks damage to the egg .
Day 15 and After
On day 15, after you ’ ve set the eggs on the hatch floor, the humidity needs to be increased to 55 to 70 percentage. Add extra water to the incubator, being careful not to spill on the eggs or composition towels. You may notice some movement in the eggs at this point, and they should start pipping around day 15 or indeed .


As chicks start brood, do not open the incubator unless absolutely necessary, as this releases heat and humidity, and can cause unhatched chicks to be shrink-wrapped in the egg. Hatched chicks can stay in the incubator up to 24 hours, and at that point you can cursorily move them to the incubator, which should already be up and running at temperature. Work cursorily to have the incubator loose for the smallest amount of meter possible. In ideal circumstances, all chicks will hatch within 24 hours, but that ’ s not always the case .

Pipping and Zipping

Keep an eye on chicks that have pipped or partially hatched, but haven ’ metric ton made advancement for respective hours. A worst opening that has closed over again is an emergency situation that requires immediate intervention .
Quail Chick In Incubator
Assisting a hatch dame is a stopping point recourse and should be done only when they ’ ve dried out and are stuck. I start conservatively, removing the partially hatched testis cursorily from the incubator, and carefully removing a piece of husk around the worst opening. I might get the chick started with “ unzipping ” the round end of the shell. If the chick seems free-moving and encouraged, this may be enough, and it can be put back in the incubator. If the feathers are dried and gunky, however, it ’ randomness shrink-wrapped and stuck in the shell, and won ’ deoxythymidine monophosphate be able to hatch on its own. This situation is best avoided by higher humidity levels, and not opening the incubator unnecessarily. I ran into this with an incubator I ’ d used for respective successful hatches before, and discovered that the hygrometer was giving inaccurately high gear readings. I immediately keep a secondary hygrometer in the incubator to avoid this.

Quail Chick 2
Rest assured that with proper training and accurate temperature and humidity, a quail egg hatch rarely has complications. Quail are a joy to hatch, and it ’ s amazing to see how fast they grow .
 Kelly Bohling is a native of Lawrence, Kansas. She works as a classical violinist, and in between gigs and lessons, she can be found in the garden or outgo time with her animals, including quail and french Angora rabbits. Kelly besides spins the Angora roughage from her rabbits into narration, which can be found in her Etsy patronize, Three Rabbit Yarns. She enjoys finding ways her animals and garden can benefit each early for a more sustainable urban homestead. You can besides follow her on Instagram .

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