Balut Egg Taste, Review, Recipe and Picture – Curated Cook

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Making purchases at and other web site funds this web site by generating gross. Any assistant is appreciated and supports both me and content like this. Balut egg looks like something out of a repugnance movie. But to people in South East Asia, it is a common feed airiness and aphrodisiac. Although I can not comment on the effects of your libido, I can comment on how it sample. This is the perfect example of the old read, do not judge a book by its shroud. But then again, the saying we eat beginning with out eyes come into play. Because of the appearance, most would never flush try to eat it. however, for those who do try it, they will be pleasantly surprised by its taste .

What is a Balut Egg

Balut Egg Balut is a bird egg that is grown from 14-21 days then boiled to stop its emergence. The end result is the half grow egg that you see inside. Think of it as a partially develop baby shuttlecock. Sometimes you will find hair and partially develop beaks and wings. however, given its stage in exploitation, those are normally indulgent adequate to be edible.

What does a Balut Egg Taste Like

The taste of a Balut actually has many different layers. First, there is a meaty texture to it due to the testis being partially developed. then there is the creamy texture of the half developed yolk. The juice inside the egg besides taste like chicken broth. last, there is a reasonably a heavily texture to the early pieces. Combine that with salt and pepper and the flavor is brought to another charge. It truly does taste effective, it just looks disgusting. On the Balut egg, there is normally a hollow orifice on either side. Tap either side on the buffet top to see which one is hollow and open it from there .poopie doodle once you did that, you can find a soft hide, I recommend that you break open that and drink the liquid inside. It will taste like Chicken Soup .Balut Egg Soup You can use a spoon to remove the yolk and partially formed wimp from there .Balut Egg Yolk I highly recommend that you add some salt and pepper to this assign to improve its spirit .Balut Egg Salt and Pepper The bottom fortune is the remaining egg white. It is very hard, but you can still eat it if you want. I personally just toss it .Balut Egg Underneath Yolk and Embryo scaled unfortunately, I have no photograph of me eating it but here is a video recording of Gordon Ramsay eating a Balut Egg .

Balut Nutritional Fact

The picture from Wikipedia will give you all the nutritional fact about Balut. In general, its like eating a regular chicken testis, nothing besides bad very.
Balut Egg Nutrition

Is Balut safe to eat?

Yes, its perfectly safe to eat a Balut Egg. It does not have any harmful consequence on you. If it did, it wouldn ’ thymine be served as a delicacy. In fact, it about has the same nutritional value as a egg.

Where to buy Balut Egg?

You can normally find these eggs in a asian supermarket. Try to look for a asian placement with a goodly vietnamese population. The one that I buy it from is called Cali Mart in Alhambra CA. No american supermarket would carry this. I paid round 1.20 each for each egg. A little costly compared to the standard egg.
I tried to check to see if Amazon carry Balut Egg but all they have is the persevere and salt duck egg. Those eggs are used for distinguish aim. I will do a recapitulation on those down the line .

Can Balut Egg Hatch?

No, they need to be boiled in ordering to stop the growing process. Unless they somehow survive which I am 99 % sure that they wont. You are safe if you are worry about them attacking you .Balut Egg Breakfast

Balut Recipe

There very isnt much to the recipe as people by and large eat it by itself but there are some condiments that is common with the Balut Egg .


3-4 Balut Egg
Salt and Pepper for dipping
Thai boo Chili with Fish Sauce and sugar


1 ) Boil the Balut Egg for a few minutes to warm it through.
2 ) Peel the Egg
3 ) Dip the egg in either the salt and pepper concoction or the fish Sauce Mixture
4 ) Squirt Lemon as Necessary Thats it, pretty dim-witted. There are other methods where they braise it in soy sauce but this is the best way of tasting Balut .


yea, this thing looks reasonably ugly and horrifying. But if you can look past it, it taste reasonably good. Think of a little chicken soup in a egg class. I personally like it but I can see why people are put off by it. There are other wyrd food like Stink Tofu and Durian that asian people love to eat. But once you get past the initial disgust you will find that it is pretty good. I hope you like this Balut Article, If you would like to see more, please visit our food and Snacks Review page .

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