Korean Style Kimchi Ramen – Cooking with a Wallflower

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Ramen noodles with mushrooms and poached eggs served in a blue kimchi broth. This Korean-style kimchi ramen is the perfective comfort food on a cold day .
Korean Style Kimchi Ramen | Cooking with a Wallflower

The last few days have been a little nerve-racking. There ’ s been so much going on recently, and I ’ megabyte trying to stay on top of it all. From navigating through a move to family drama, life has been a little consuming recently. But hopefully all that will be over soon .
today, I wanted to share with you this Korean-style kimchi ramen .
Korean Style Kimchi Ramen | Cooking with a Wallflower
I have something to admit. One of my darling comfort foods is ramen .
There ’ second something about noodles cooked in a hot savory broth that ’ sulfur just sol comforting. And veracious immediately, I feel like I ’ m in need of this .
Korean Style Kimchi Ramen | Cooking with a Wallflower
This interpretation of ramen is filled with sliced kimchi, which gives the soup a sour sour season that ’ sulfur unique to kimchi. If you ’ ve had kimchi earlier, you know what I ’ megabyte talking about. I besides love adding mushrooms to the soup because it takes on the spirit. Of run, you have to add easy boiled eggs to top off the bowl of ramen. It ’ s not the like without .
Korean Style Kimchi Ramen | Cooking with a Wallflower
In a medium toilet, add chili anoint over low to medium heating system. Once the chili oil has heated, add gochugaru or korean chili powder and fudge for a minute until toasted. Add minced garlic and cook until aromatic .
next, pour in wimp or vegetable stock and stimulate in soy sauce sauce. Add sliced mushrooms and fudge until soft. Stir in sesame vegetable oil and chopped kimchi .
When ready to serve, drop two eggs into the soup and leave undisturbed. Stir in ramen noodle and your front-runner veggies and cook for a couple minutes until the noodles are to your like. Transfer the noodles to a bowling ball. Divide the soup and ingredients between the two bowl .
Korean Style Kimchi Ramen | Cooking with a Wallflower
Serve the korean manner kimchi ramen warm .
enjoy !
Korean Style Kimchi Ramen | Cooking with a Wallflower
korean Style Kimchi Ramen Korean Style Kimchi Ramen 1 Print Prep prison term 10 mins fudge time 10 mins total fourth dimension 20 mins Ramen noodles with mushrooms and poached eggs served in a hot kimchi broth. This Korean-style kimchi ramen is the perfect comfort food on a cold day.

generator :

Andrea Giang

recipe type :


Serves :

2 servings


  • 1 tablespoon chili oil
  • 2 tablespoons gochugaru
  • 1 teaspoon minced garlic
  • ½ tablespoon soy sauce
  • 3 cups vegetable stock
  • 2-3 large mushrooms, sliced
  • ½ teaspoon sesame oil
  • ¼-1/3 cup chopped kimchi
  • 2 serving ramen noodles
  • 2 large eggs
  • Salt to taste

Directions :

  1. In a medium pot, add chili oil over low to medium heat. Once the chili oil has heated, add gochugaru or Korean chili powder and cook for a minute until toasted. Add minced garlic and cook until aromatic.
  2. Next, pour in chicken or vegetable stock and stir in soy sauce. Add sliced mushrooms and cook until soft. Stir in sesame oil and chopped kimchi.
  3. When ready to serve, drop two eggs into the soup and leave undisturbed. Stir in ramen noodle and your favorite veggies and cook for a couple minutes until the noodles are to your liking. Season with salt to taste.
  4. Transfer the noodles to a bowl. Divide the soup between the two bowls.
  5. Serve the Korean style kimchi ramen warm.

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