Shrimp Wrapped in Tofu Skin (Crispy Dim Sum Recipe) – Rasa Malaysia

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Shrimp Wrapped in Tofu Skin – A popular and delightful dimmed sum appetizer made with prawn and bean curd skin. Get the recipe and make it yourself at base .
Crispy Shrimp Rolls - best dim sum ever!! Crispy, delicious shrimp rolls that you can make at home, so easy!! |
Easy homemade Hong Kong crispy shrimp rolls dim sum.

Dim Sum Shrimp Wrapped in Tofu Skin

This shrimp wrapped in tofu skin ( 鮮蝦腐皮券 ) recipe was supposed to be in my cookbook “ Easy Chinese Recipes, ” but it was cut out as my publisher thought tofu skin might be hard to get for most Americans, which is genuine .
As the title suggests, these delightful fried prawn rolls are wrapped with bean curd skin, or attic curd sheet ( in Asia ), or yuba ( in Japanese ) .
Crispy, delicious Chinese deep fried shrimp rolls wrapped with tofu skin.

What is Tofu Skin?

Tofu bark is basically the layer of “ skin ” formed on top of fresh soy milk .
As you all know, the Chinese invented soy milk, bean curd, and other tofu-related products, so bean curd skin is basically one of the many food products from the charming soy beans .
Easy and quick Hong Kong crispy shrimp rolls appetizer with a pair of chopsticks.
As I made the bean curd bark from scratch this past weekend, it dawns to me good how perplex soy sauce milk is, because of the endless culinary possibilities it brings .
Please check out this post how to make bean curd skin, if you wish to attempt it at home .
Crispy Shrimp Rolls - best dim sum ever!! Crispy, delicious shrimp rolls that you can make at home, so easy!! |
This crunchy, mouthwatering, and dainty yue appetizer is a must-have for me whenever we go out for blind sum or yumcha .
At the dimmed sum restaurants hera in the United States and Hong Kong, they are normally presented in a bigger rectangle-shaped package, however, I prefer smaller rolls, as pictured here, which is typically found in Malaysia .
Crispy Shrimp Rolls - best dim sum ever!! Crispy, delicious shrimp rolls that you can make at home, so easy!! |

How to Prepare Shrimp Wrapped in Tofu Skin

The key to actually good Cantonese dim kernel is the texture of the filling, in this case, the runt .
The best yue chefs treat their runt with cold tend body of water for hours that ultimately delivers the bouncy ( 弹牙 ) and supple texture in the shrimp .
In my cookbook and on this post “ How to Make Shrimp Crunchy, ” I share a home rectify that you can apply to make the shrimp bouncing, but it takes some time .
however, there are many chefs who cheat by treating their shrimp with lye water or even borax, because it delivers very fast and amaze results .
I am powerfully against these chemicals because if you read the label of lye water, it ’ randomness distinctly stated as a chemical and some even label it as poison, so I would stay away .

Cook’s Tips

( You can read the fact sheet of lye water here. ) traditionally, you can treat these shrimp using the shangjiang ( 上浆 ) method, which is coating the shrimp with a concoction of testis ashen and potato starch .
I prefer my method acting of double treating the shrimp : first base with baking pop, and then with egg flannel and potato starch .
It works !
immediately the hidden season to dim kernel that tastes like they are straight from restaurants is chicken bouillon powder .
You can get the non-MSG version in the market and use it in this recipe .
This shrimp wrapped with bean curd clamber is normally served with a Worcestershire sauce, but you can besides use mayonnaise, which is more common in Malaysia .
Either manner, these fried runt rolls taste so good .
enjoy !

How Many Calories Per Serving?

This recipe is only 104 calories per serve .

What Dishes To Serve with this Recipe?

For a wholesome meal and easy weeknight dinner, I recommend the take after recipes .

Yield: 3 people

Shrimp Wrapped in Tofu Skin

Shrimp Wrapped in Tofu Skin
Crispy Shrimp Rolls – best dimmed union ever ! ! Crispy, delectable shrimp rolls that you can make at home, so comfortable ! !
Prep Time

45 minutes

Read more: Kung Pao Chicken

Cook Time

5 minutes

Total Time

50 minutes


  • 8 oz. (226 g) shelled and deveined shrimp
  • 1 tablespoon finely chopped yellow chives
  • 7-8 pieces tofu skin, cut into 6×6-inch pieces
  • Oil for deep-frying
  • Worcestershire sauce or mayonnaise


  • 1/2 teaspoon chicken bouillon powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon Shaoxing wine
  • 1/2 teaspoon sesame oil
  • 3 dashes white pepper powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon oil
  • 1 teaspoon potato starch or corn starch*
  • 1/2 tablespoon egg white*


  1. If you wish to make your shrimp bouncy, you can treat the shrimp according to the steps in this post: How to make shrimp crunchy. Adjust the ingredients accordingly.
  2. Cut the 2/3 of the shrimp into small pieces and mince 1/3 of the shrimp. Mix the shrimp with all the ingredients in the Seasonings. If you treat the shrimp using the method above, you can skip the last two ingredients (marked *) in the Seasonings, which are cornstarch and egg white. If the filling is lose and not sticky, add more starch to bind it.
  3. To roll the shrimp, place a piece of the tofu skin on a flat surface. Sprinkle a little bit of water to make it softer or wet your hand with water and rub on the tofu skin surface so it becomes pliable.
    shrimp rolls11
  4. Scoop about 1 heaping tablespoon of the filling onto the tofu skin. Use a little bit of water and dab it around the edges to ensure sealing.
    shrimp rolls9
  5. Roll up the bottom part of the skin, tuck the shrimp tightly. Roll until the end of the tofu skin.
    shrimp rolls8
  6. Twist both ends of the opening and make sure they are closed, so when deep-frying, the oil won’t seep in. Wet your hand with water to help with sealing.
    shrimp rolls7
  7. The shrimp wrapped in tofu skin are now ready for deep-frying.
    shrimp rolls6
  8. Heat up a wok with enough cooking oil for frying. When the oil is fully heated, turn the heat to medium and gently drop the shrimp rolls into the oil. Keep turning around and deep fry until they turn golden brown. Dish out on a plate lined with paper towels to absorb the excess oil. Cut them up in halves, and serve immediately with Worcestershire sauce or mayonnaise, or both.


You can get bean curd skin in the fixed incision of asian food stores. If you ca n’t find it, you can make bean curd skin from scribble, using lone soy sauce beans and water .

Nutrition Information

Serving Size

3 people

Amount Per Serving



Total Fat


Saturated Fat














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