Sundae Real Estate Review – Should I Sell My House on Sundae?

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Sundae Real Estate Review
The real number estate of the realm market is ill-famed for its ups and downs – one calendar month, it ’ s a sellers ’ grocery store and the next, it ’ s a buyers ’. however, selling a home quickly or in as-is condition is about always challenging in both markets. The buyer ’ mho goal is to offer the lowest monetary value possible because every dollar they don ’ deoxythymidine monophosphate give you is one more in their scoop. But Sundae substantial estate of the realm service is working to change this by offering home sellers better options .
Sundae operates a zero-fee real estate marketplace where pre-vetted investors compete to purchase listed properties. Each buyer submits a bid for your place, allowing you to decide between multiple offers before making a decision. By charging zero fees and enabling competing bids for your home, Sundae market gives you more command over the sale process and improved chances for a profitable sale .
Before you decide to sell your home on Sundae, it ’ s only natural that you might have questions about the company ’ mho process and how it works. We ’ rhenium unpacking all of this here to help you learn whether selling with Sundae home buyers is the right decision and how to proceed .

What is Sundae real estate service?

Sundae substantial estate of the realm service is a home buyer market where sellers looking to close a place quickly or in as-is condition go to sell. Sundae allows homeowners to get the highest off-market prize for their home by listing on the platform, and even supports them with a $ 10,000 cash advance before close, if they need it.

While Sundae helps homeowners quickly receive cash for their property, it is different from other “ we buy houses for cash ” companies. With those other platforms, it ’ s the company offer you a batch of cash for your home. alternatively, Sundae provides access to thousands of pre-qualified investors who place bids on list homes .
Homes listed on Sundae receive an average of ten bids, with the highest bids coming within four working days. There is no debt instrument to accept however. With no fees or contingencies, sellers can look fore to a crystalline action that allows them back out at any time before close. As a result, Sundae real estate reviews are often positive, with sellers praising the company ’ second business model and customer support .

Who owns Sundae homebuyers?

Founders Josh Stech and Andrew Swain started Sundae substantial estate in 2018 with the finish to help homeowners avoid predatory property investors, even if the house could use some cultivate. The caller recently raised $ 80 million in a serial C fund polish with the draw a bead on to expand its services and broaden its market base .
speculation firms : Fifth Wall and General Global Capital led the fund round, alongside early investors such as Will Smith and Richard Seymour .

Where does Sundae Real Estate operate?

ice-cream sundae locations are presently limited, although the party has plans to expand in the near future. At present, the company operates in :

  • Georgia: Atlanta
  • Florida: Tampa, Clearwater, and St. Petersburg
  • California: Los Angeles, Sacramento, San Diego, and Sacramento

Who should consider using Sundae Real Estate?

The Sundae marketplace is designed to cater to sellers who need a quick home sale or want to sell their home in its stream condition. Sundae home buyers specialize in purchasing properties as-is, careless of their condition .
If you don ’ t have the funds to spare for repairs, cleaning up, and improvement, or confront circumstances that require a rapid sale then you might consider using Sundae. Some of the situations where Sundae can help include :

  • Condemned houses
  • Property in need of major or minor repairs
  • Inherited homes that heirs wish to sell
  • Homes with structural issues
  • Distressed sales due to unemployment, foreclosure, or medical bills
  • Unexpected life changes such as a divorce, new job, or sudden relocation
  • Homes damaged in natural disasters
  • Downsizing

Keep in mind that, while they are disposed to take any property in any condition, investors will factor the sign of the zodiac ’ mho circumstance into any offer they make. The costlier electric potential repairs look, the less they ’ ll likely volunteer .

Selling with Sundae versus selling with other companies

Sundae versus cash buyer companies

Sundae ’ randomness unique business model makes it an effective choice for sellers, specially since they can compare multiple offers. With other cash buyer companies, sellers will often be forced to consider only one offer, with little or no room to negotiate .
When it comes to selling off-market, sellers already face a challenging travel to closing a good batch. As a leave, the competitive prices they may potentially access with a Sundae dwelling list makes this option more attractive.

Sundae versus real estate agents

While a Sundae house list produces relatively fast off-market sales, it ’ randomness distillery a sale to investors looking for a deal. According to inquiry, cash buyers over the last 40 years paid 12 % less on average than buyers securing a mortgage .
On the flip side, while you might get a better price on the market by working with an agent, the consociate costs might not be sol inviting. Between the minimum 6 % tip the very estate agent will charge and the expenses of staging your home, an on-market sale can get expensive. Besides, although you can receive offers for your place in arsenic little as 16 days in a bolshevik blistering grocery store, you ’ re more probable to spend 30-45 days to sell – from listing to close up .
so, you should consider whether the savings and speed from listing with Sundae homes for sale outweighs the costs of a real estate of the realm agent .

Is Sundae Real Estate a reputable company?

ice-cream sundae markets itself as a carnival and considerate facilitator of distressed family sales. The company ’ mho mission is to protect homeowners from exploitation in an off-market sale. There are several demonstrable measures Sundae employs to achieve this, including its zero-fee policy, competitive very estate market, and $ 10,000 support for sellers .
Both Sundae homebuyers ’ reviews and testimonials from sellers confirm these features and the company ’ randomness committedness to facilitating fair home deals. The company averages 4.58/5 stars on the Better Business Bureau and 4/5 stars on Yelp .

How does sundae make money?

Since Sundae charges no fees and contingencies on home sales, sellers rightly wonder how it makes money. The answer lies in its unique tip organization. Sundae completely flips the script from how other real estate companies operate by collecting fees from the buyer rather of the seller .
The investor who submits a winning bid is responsible for all of the fees, including close costs, title inspection, and home inspection. thus, alternatively of meeting a deductible on Sundae house prices, you can expect to receive the full offer come .

How does Sundae Ral Estate work?

If the Sundae home buy marketplace feels like a dear equip for you, here ’ s what you can expect from the process :

  • Submit your information: To begin, submit information about your home to Sundae via their website or by phone. A representative of the company will get in touch to learn about your property and your goals for a sale.
  • Book a free home visit: If they can help you, a Sundae Market Expert will visit your home for a physical walk-through. They will conduct a thorough evaluation to determine the home’s overall condition and what repairs are needed. Based on this evaluation, they will present you with a range of estimated prices you may likely receive on their marketplace. The range will consider several factors, including the value of your home, holding costs, repair costs, and the value of comparable homes in your area.
  • Complete home inspection: If you decide that Sundae’s estimate is worth it, you will sign an agreement to list your home on the Sundae marketplace. However, the listing will not happen until Sundae completes a comprehensive inspection of your home. A third-party inspector will conduct the home inspection. They will take photos of your home and write a detailed report about its condition. Both will be included in your Property Profile on Sundae’s marketplace.
  • Get listed on marketplace: Next up, Sundae will post your home on their marketplace, meaning the listing is now live and can receive offers from investors.
  • Review offers: You can begin to review offers for your home after four business days. Sundae will inform you of the highest offers placed, so you can decide which one to accept and sign a contract with the investor. Remember that you can back out without penalty, but only if you do so before signing the agreement.
  • Receive $10,000 support: Where you require it, Sundae will front you up to $10,000 in advance to help with the costs of moving.
  • Close deal: With everything finalized, you can move forward with closing in as few as 10 days from signing the agreement or up to 60 days later, depending on your preference.

Does Sundae vet its investors?

Yes, Sundae vets and pre-qualifies all investors affiliated with their market. Every investor who signs up to the market has to fill an onboarding imprint and go through an interview with a Sundae specialist. Investors can only begin to place bids on listed homes when their report is approved by the specialist .
In addition to this, when an investor submits a top three bid for a property, they will need to draft a Purchase Agreement for the seller to review. Investors who submit a winning bid must besides make a non-refundable $ 20,000 lodge to hold the base.

Sundae rigorously regulates communication with sellers. Investors who breach these rules by making an unauthorized visit to a property or reaching out to a seller off-platform face immediate dismissal from the platform .

Does Sundae charge fees?

ice-cream sundae does not charge any fees for home sales on its platform. Sellers are able to receive all of the money from any propose they receive from Sundae home buyers. This is a bad attraction for many sellers much highlighted in market homes reviews on rate platforms .

Sundae pros and cons


  • Hassle-free process: Sundae real estate service is designed to be simple and easy to use. Sundae reviews especially praise the platform’s engaging customer support and straightforward process.
  • Sell in any condition: Being able to sell your home as-is without fees for staging, repairs, or agents is a big relief for many sellers. You can simply list the home and sit back without expending time or effort in preparing for a sale.
  • Sell to pre-vetted investors: Distressed home sellers often face the worrying risk that a prospective buyer might turn out unreliable. Sundae removes this risk by providing access to thousands of qualified investors.
  • Financial support: The $10,000 cash advance that sellers can collect before closing is a big help.


  • Limited locations: Sundae only serves limited locations in California, Florida, and Georgia, at present. Although, people with homes in locations close-by may be able to receive Sundae assistance.
  • Lower sale prices: Generally, as-is sales bring less than market value. So, prepare to receive offers that may fall short of your home’s market value.
  • Relatively slow offer rate: Sellers only begin to receive offers on Sundae’s platform after four business days. Other cash buyer companies might be faster – they will generally make you an offer within 24 hours.

Should I use Sundae real estate service?

By providing access to a competitive bid process and relatively fast close speeds, Sundae helps sellers of distressed properties entree better deals – and this can be a big consider when every dollar counts. If you ’ rhenium keen on moving on from your property cursorily but don ’ deoxythymidine monophosphate want to settle for a limited low-ball offer, then Sundae might be a good choice or if you want to list your home for complimentary on the MLS chatter on the clitoris below .

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