parental perceptions in egg allergy : does egg challenge make a deviation ?
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Kemp, Andrew Stewart ; Allen, Clare Wendy ; Campbell, Dianne Elisabeth
2009-11-01The target of the study was to determine the effect of an oral egg challenge in egg sensitized children on parental perceptions relating to their child ‘s allergy. A questionnaire was completed by parents for 167 children attending a tertiary pediatric clinic with testis sensitizing. The questionnaires included 10 questions concerning parental perceptions of their child ‘s egg allergy. parental perceptions of those children who had not had an egg challenge ( n = 83 ) were compared with those whose children had a positivist ( north = 27 ) and those with a negative ( north = 57 ) testis challenge. A significant difference ( p = parents in the CN group expected little or no future inconvenience for the child. The responses of parents whose child had undergone an egg challenge differed significantly ( p = arithmetic mean of little or no future discomfort for the child and whether others treated the child differently. The performance of an egg challenge was associated with reduce adverse parental concerns. For 6/10 parameters, expectations concerning egg allergy in children who had been challenged were importantly better than those who had never been challenged regardless of the challenge consequence. The greater certainty provided by the performance of a food challenge may be a positive consequence in both CP and CN children .
Performans produksi telur puyuh yang diberi ransum tepung limbah udang fermantasi
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sukron latif
Full Text Available This cogitation was conducted to determine the effect the use of ferment prawn flour waste ( FSW with different concentrations on the ration of the productivity of japanese quail egg ( Coturnix-coturnix japanica. This study used 250 female quails 8 weeks old. research ingredients consist of corn, bran, soy meal, shrimp flour, meat bone meal ( MBM, lysin, methionin, lime, mix and FSW Shrimp thriftlessness consists of head, body skin and prawn tail which is the lie of the shrimp stripping industry. The learn design was using complete Random Design ( CRD consisting of 5 treatments and 5 replications. The treatment unit of measurement consisted of T0 = Rations without TLUF, T1 = Ration using not fermented runt flour 7.5 %, T2 = Ration using 5 % TLUF, T3 = Ration using 7.5 % TLUF and T4 = Ration using 10 % TLUF. The data obtained were analyzed by using F test at 5 % grade, followed by Duncan test if any treatment consequence. Parameters observed were feed consumption, hen day production ( HDP, egg mass, feed conversion and income over feed cost ( IOFC. The leave of discrepancy analysis showed that the discussion gave significant effect ( P0.05. The conclusion of this research is the use of ferment prawn flour thriftlessness in flinch ration can increase consumption, egg aggregate and IOFC but can not affect the production and conversion of fertilize. The highest IOFC prize is in T2 treatment . -
Automated egg grading organization using calculator vision : probe on slant measurement versus determine parameters
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Nasir, Ahmad Fakhri Ab ; Suhaila Sabarudin, Siti ; Majeed, Anwar P. P. Abdul ; Ghani, Ahmad Shahrizan Abdul
Chicken testis is a source of food of high necessitate by humans. homo operators can not work perfectly and endlessly when conducting testis grading. rather of an egg grading system using slant standard, an automatic organization for egg grading using computer imagination ( using testis form parameter ) can be used to improve the productiveness of egg grading. however, early hypothesis has indicated that more number of egg classes will change when using egg determine parameter compared with using slant measure. This paper presents the comparison of egg categorization by the two above-mentioned methods. first, 120 images of chicken eggs of assorted grades ( A–D ) produced in Malaysia are captured. then, the egg images are processed using image pre-processing techniques, such as double snip, smoothing and division. Thereafter, eight egg human body features, including sphere, major axis distance, minor bloc distance, volume, diameter and perimeter, are extracted. last, feature survival ( information gain ratio ) and feature extraction ( principal part analysis ) are performed using k-nearest neighbour classifier in the classification process. Two methods, namely, supervised eruditeness ( using weight unit measure as graded by egg supplier ) and unsupervised learn ( using testis human body parameters as graded by ourselves ), are conducted to execute the experiment. Clustering results reveal many changes in testis classes after performing shape-based marking. On average, the best recognition results using shape-based scaling pronounce is 94.16 % while using weight-based label is 44.17 %. As decision, automated egg grading system using calculator vision is better by implementing shape-based features since it uses effigy interim the weight unit parameter is more desirable by using system of weights grading system . -
optimization of the serve of egg omelet production with fillings with extensive storage period
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V. Sukmanov
Full Text Available Introduction. optimization of the egg omelets ( EO production using high blackmail ( HP will allow to produce a minimum cost product during manufacture and besides to obtain a product with high consumer properties. Materialsand methods. The implicated product is -EO -a assortment of liquid testis with grate or chop tall mallow, xanthan gum tree, body of water or milk and spices. The EO manufacture serve consisted of packing the mix in an airtight container with heat and march in the high pressure installation. The EO suitability for long-run repositing was evaluated by the “ water activity ” term. The EO choice was evaluated by an technical. There was used the undetermined Lagrange multipliers method to obtain the optimum process parameters. Results. As a result of the central composite rotatabel plan there was developed optimization model allowed to obtain the optimum EO HP processing parameters : atmospheric pressure – 690 МPа, temperature –1220С, treatment duration –7×60s, 14g of body of water on 100 gigabyte of odds and ends, 13 g of dry milk on 100 gram of odds and ends, xanthan gum content -0,75 % of the sum assortment bulk, 25 thousand of tall mallow on 100 thousand of odds and ends. These indicators allow to obtain the EO action parameters with the next indicators : water activeness -0.704 and comprehensive examination choice Score – 0.98 that characterize the product as a intersection with senior high school timbre indicators stable over a long period of memory. The develop model analysis with using of Student ‘s triiodothyronine quiz, Fisher indigestion and bode optimization values calculation errors confirmed the dependability of the optimization parameters obtained values and the optimization model dependability. The calculations results for the given optimization parameters are presented as confidence intervals, confirming that their experimental values do not exceed the respective intervals and therefore confirm the results authenticity. Conclusions. These results have practical significance and were adopted as the basis for the technical documentation -
Number and size of nucleolus in the spermatocytes of wimp and japanese quail .
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Andraszek, Katarzyna ; Gryzińska, Magdalena ; Knaga, Sebastian ; Wójcik, Ewa ; Smalec, Elzbieta
Nucleoli are the intersection of nucleolus organizing region activeness ( NOR ) of specific chromosomes. Their basic function is to synthetise ribosomal RNA precursors and promote the growth and assembly of preribosomal RNP molecules. information on rRNA-coding gene bodily process can be provided by the analysis of the total and size of nucleolus in the prophase of the beginning meiotic class. The morphology and ultrastructure of a nucleolus depends, among others, on the species and cellular telephone increase motorbike a well as the physiological and pathological state of an organism. The purpose of this research was to determine the number and size of nucleolus in the spermatocytes of the domestic wimp and the japanese flinch. diverse numbers and sizes of nucleolus in the cells of the analyze birds were observed. 1-4 nucleoli were identified in chicken cells ( 1.91 +/- 0.63 on average ) and 1-2 in quail cells ( 1.13 +/- 0.33 on average ). For the sum of 957 nucleoli observed in Gallus cells, 329 were classified as big and 628 as little. In Coturnix cells, 563 nucleoli were identified ( 66 big and 497 small ones ). An analysis of the numbers and sizes of nucleoli can be performed at the cytogenetic level and service as an alternate informant of information on rRNA encoding gene and nucleolus organising area ( NOR ) activities . -
Comparative Study on the Nutritional Value of Pidan and Salted Duck Egg .
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Ganesan, P ; Kaewmanee, T ; Benjakul, S ; Baharin, B S
Pidan and salted duck eggs are of nutritional rich option duck egg products which are predominantly consumed in China, Thailand, South Korea and other Chinese migrated countries. Both eggs are rich in proteins, lipids, unsaturated fatso acids and minerals. A Pidan whole egg contains 13.1 % of protein, 10.7 % of fat, 2.25 % of carbohydrate and 2.3 % of ash, whereas the salted duck testis contains 14 % of protein, 16.6 % of fatness, 4.1 % of carbohydrate and 7.5 % of ash. The fresh hedge egg contains a range of 9.30-11.80 % of protein, 11.40-13.52 % of adipose tissue, 1.50-1.74 % of boodle and 1.10-1.17 % of ash. Proteins, lipids, and ash contents are found to be greatly enhanced during the pickle and salting process of pidan and salted duck eggs. however, the alkaline induced collection of pidan leads to degradation and subsequent generation of complimentary peptides and amino acids. very few amino acids are found to be lost during the pickle and storage. however, no such losses of amino acids are reported in salt duck eggs during the salting march of 14 d. Phospholipids and cholesterol contents are lower in pidan anoint and salted duck egg yolk petroleum. frankincense, the pidan and salted hedge eggs are nutritionally ample alternatives of duck egg products which will benefit the homo health during consumption . -
21 CFR 160.100 – Eggs .
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… 21 Food and Drugs 2 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Eggs. 160.100 section 160.100 Food and Drugs FOOD … CONSUMPTION EGGS AND EGG PRODUCTS Requirements for Specific Standardized Eggs and Egg Products § 160.100 Eggs … identity for the food normally known as eggs. … -
potency of cross-flow microfiltration for removal of microorganisms associated with unpasteurized liquid testis white from process plant .
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Mukhopadhyay, S ; Tomasula, P M ; Van Hekken, D ; Luchansky, J B ; Call, J E ; Porto-Fett, A
thermal preservation is used by the testis diligence to ensure the microbiological safety of liquid egg white ( LEW ) ; however, it does not eliminate all microorganisms and impairs some of the delicate functional properties of LEW. In this study, a pilot-scale cross-flow microfiltration ( MF ) process was designed to remove the natural microflora present in commercial LEW, obtained from a local egg-breaking plant, while maintaining the nutritional and functional properties of the LEW. LEW, containing approximately 10 ( 6 +/- 1.7 ) colony forming units ( CFU ) per milliliter of sum aerobic bacteria, was microfiltered using a ceramic membrane with a nominal pore size of 1.4 microm, at a cross-flow speed of 6 m/s. To facilitate MF, LEW was screened, homogenized, and then diluted ( 1 : 2, w/w ) with purify water containing 0.5 % sodium chloride. Homogenized LEW was found to have a double lower viscosity than unhomogenized LEW. influence of MF temperature ( 25 and 40 degrees C ) and ph ( 6 and 9 ) on interpenetrate flux, transmittance of egg blank nutrients across the membrane, and microbial removal efficiency were evaluated. The ph had a importantly greater charm on percolate flux than temperature. Permeate flux increased by about 148 % when ph of LEW was adjusted from ph 9 to pH 6 at 40 degrees C. Influence of temperature on interpenetrate flux, at a changeless ph, however, was found to be inconclusive. microbial removal efficiency was at least 5 log ( 10 ) CFU/mL. total protein and SDS-PAGE analysis indicated that this MF process did not alter the protein composition of the interpenetrate, compared to that of the run LEW, and that the bubbling properties of LEW were retained in the postfiltered samples . -
experimental Shifts in Intraclutch Egg Color Variation Do not Affect Egg Rejection in a Host of a Non-Egg-Mimetic avian Brood Parasite
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Croston, Rebecca ; Hauber, Mark E .
avian brood parasites lay their eggs in the nests of other birds, and impose the costs associated with rearing parasitic young onto these hosts. many hosts of sulk parasites defend against parasitism by removing alien eggs from the nest. In systems where epenthetic eggs mimic host eggs in color and pattern, extensive intraclutch variation in egg appearances may impair the host ’ s ability to recognize and reject parasitic eggs, but experimental probe of this effect has produced conflicting results. The cognitive mechanism by which hosts recognize parasitic eggs may vary across brood parasite hosts, and this may explain magnetic declination in experimental result across studies investigating egg rejection in hosts of egg-mimicking grizzle parasites. In contrast, for hosts of non-egg-mimetic parasites, intraclutch egg tinge variation is not predicted to co-vary with extraneous egg rejection, regardless of cognitive mechanism. here we tested for effects of intraclutch egg color variation in a host of nonmimetic grizzle leech by manipulating egg color in american robins ( Turdus migratorius ), hosts of brown-headed cowbirds ( Molothrus ater ). We recorded robins ’ behavioral responses to model cowbird parasitism in nests where semblance variation was artificially enhanced or reduced. We besides quantified egg color variation within and between unmanipulated robin clutches as perceived by robins themselves using spectrophotometric measures and avian ocular modeling. In unmanipulated nests, egg color varied more between than within robin clutches. As predict, however, handling of color magnetic declination did not affect rejection rates. overall, our results best support the scenario wherein testis rejection is the consequence of selective press by a nonmimetic grizzle leech, because robins are efficient rejecters of foreign eggs, regardless of the semblance variation within their own clutch. PMID:25831051 -
experimental shifts in intraclutch testis color variation do not affect egg rejection in a host of a non-egg-mimetic avian sulk leech .
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Rebecca CrostonFull Text Available Avian brood parasites lay their eggs in the nests of early birds, and impose the costs associated with rearing epenthetic unseasoned onto these hosts. many hosts of brood parasites defend against parasitism by removing extraneous eggs from the nest. In systems where parasitic eggs mimic host eggs in coloration and pattern, extensive intraclutch variation in testis appearances may impair the host ‘s ability to recognize and reject epenthetic eggs, but experimental investigation of this effect has produced conflicting results. The cognitive mechanism by which hosts recognize parasitic eggs may vary across brood leech hosts, and this may explain variation in experimental result across studies investigating egg rejection in hosts of egg-mimicking brood parasites. In line, for hosts of non-egg-mimetic parasites, intraclutch egg color pas seul is not predicted to co-vary with alien testis rejection, regardless of cognitive mechanism. here we tested for effects of intraclutch testis color version in a host of nonmimetic brood leech by manipulating egg color in american robins ( Turdus migratorius, hosts of brown-headed cowbirds ( Molothrus ater. We recorded robins ‘ behavioral responses to fake cowbird parasitism in nests where color pas seul was artificially enhanced or reduced. We besides quantified egg color version within and between unmanipulated robin clutches as perceived by robins themselves using spectrophotometric measures and avian ocular modeling. In unmanipulated nests, egg color varied more between than within robin clutches. As bode, however, handling of color magnetic declination did not affect rejection rates. overall, our results best digest the scenario wherein egg rejection is the consequence of selective blackmail by a nonmimetic brood leech, because robins are efficient rejecters of extraneous eggs, regardless of the color variation within their own clutch bag .
Effects of salting processes and time on the chemical writing, textural properties, and microstructure of cook duck egg.
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Kaewmanee, Thammarat ; Benjakul, Soottawat ; Visessanguan, Wonnop
Chemical musical composition, textural properties, and microstructure of cook hedge egg salted by 2 methods ( coating and immersing ) were determined during 4 wk of salting. As the salt time increased, moisture contented increased and salt content decreased for both cooked salted egg white and yolk. Oil exudation of cook yolk and expressible water content of cook egg flannel obtained from both salting methods increased as salting proceeded ( P cook, oil exudate accompanied by the solubilized pigments, specially at the out level of egg yolk, was obtained. At week 3 of salt, egg egg yolk from coating method acting had the higher egg exudate than that from immersing method. As the salting times increased, the lower hardness, give, cohesiveness, chewiness, and resilience with higher adhesiveness and cohesiveness were generally found in cooked salt egg white ( P cooked yolk increased endlessly and reached the utmost at week 2 and 2 to 3 for immersing and coating method ( P testis after heating, compared with the bracing counterpart. As visualized by scanning electron microscope, mousse of cooked salt egg white was clot type with larger voids. Salting methods determined anoint exudation in egg yolk and texture profile of egg white gelatin after cooking ; however, those attributes were besides governed by the salt time. Salted dip egg can be made by 2 methods ( coating and immersing ) affecting the feature of salt egg white and egg yolk after cooking. desirable cooked salted egg having the bolshevik egg yolk with hardness and high petroleum exudation could be obtained when salting was carried out for 3 and 4 wk for immersing and coating method, respectively . -
pasteurization of husk eggs using radio frequency heating
Science.gov ( United States )The USDA-FSIS estimates that pasteurization of all shell eggs in the U.S. would reduce the annual number of illnesses by more than 110,000, even less than 1 % of shell eggs are commercially pasteurized. One of the chief reasons for this is that the current procedure, hot water ingress, requires approxi …
egg yolk plasma can replace testis egg yolk in stallion freeze extenders .
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Pillet, E ; Duchamp, G ; Batellier, F ; Beaumal, V ; Anton, M ; Desherces, S ; Schmitt, E ; Magistrini, M
Hen egg yolk is normally used as a cryoprotective agent in semen freezing extenders, but its use has sanitary and virtual disadvantages. furthermore the auspices afforded by egg egg yolk has not however been completely elucidated. The aim of this report was to compare the egg egg yolk plasma fraction to whole testis egg yolk in stallion freeze extender. Plasma contains chiefly humble Density Lipoproteins ( LDL ), which are wide presumed to be the cryoprotective agent in egg yolk. Plasma can be produced on an industrial scale, sterilised by gamma-irradiation and incorporated in a ready-to-use extender ( our ultimate objective ). Plasma samples were subjected to different doses of gamma-irradiation ( 3, 5, 10 kGy ) without dramatic chemical changes that may affect their cryoprotective properties. Stallion semen was frozen with unharmed egg egg yolk as a control and with sterilize egg egg yolk plasma. A fertility trial was conducted on a total of 70 mares ‘ cycles. Fertility per motorbike was 60 % after insemination of semen frozen in our control condition extender containing egg egg yolk ( EY ), compared to 69 % for the extender containing sterilised egg yolk plasma ( EYP ) ( P > 0.05 ). Post-thaw motility and membrane integrity of sperm were besides analysed. motility parameters were not significantly unlike between extenders except for the variable VAP ( for EY versus EYP, VAP : 63 μm.s ( -1 ) versus 59 μm.s ( -1 ), a, bacillus : P 0.05 ). Membrane integrity was better preserved in EY than in EYP but the difference between extenders was small ( P < 0.05 ). Our results demonstrated that sterilised egg yolk plasma has the likely to replace egg yolk in stallion freeze extender. This experiment led to the development of a ready-to-use extender called INRA-Freeze ( ® ) ( IMV-Technologies, France ). Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved . -
freeze-dry demeanor of pasteurize wholly egg
International Nuclear Information System ( INIS )
Melike Sakin ; Merve Samli ; Gizem Kor, A. ; Figen Kaymak-Ertekin
Because it provides wax nutritional and sealed desirable running attributes, egg products are wide used as ingredients in many food products. Dried egg is particularly valuable for being stable, well miscible and having a long ledge life. It is necessary to know the effects of drying conditions onto the moisture removal behavior and the functional properties of the gunpowder product, to serve the egg powder as an option. An experimental study was conducted to achieve an reason of the freeze-drying behavior of pasteurize whole testis having 24 % dry solids. In order to determine the moisture removal behavior ; the percentage moisture loss ( w/w ), the average moisture content and the dry rates were obtained, the drying curves were developed and entire dry times were determined, besides the apparent motion of the dry-wet limit between the frozen layer and the dry holey layer formed by sublimation of ice crystals were investigated during a accomplished procedure. The physical properties of pasteurized wholly egg such as ; color, body of water activity ( a west ), the morphologic structure ( through SEM analysis ) and functional properties ( foam constancy and dissolubility ) were determined. The internet color change ( ΔE ) was about 22, autonomous of layer thickness. The water natural process decreased to 0.22 at the end of drying. The SEM images of freeze-dried and slenderly milled egg powder samples at magnification levels of 500 and 1000 showed the holey structure caused by sublimation of ice crystals generated within the egg structure during air blast freeze. The dissolubility and foaming capacity of gunpowder egg were observed to be lower compared to those of pasteurized liquid egg. ( generator ) -
depletion of aboriginal microbe cells ( PGCs ) by X-irradiation to extraembryonic area of chicken embryo and construction of xenotransplanted flinch PGCs
International Nuclear Information System ( INIS )
Atsumi, Y. ; Yazawa, S. ; Usui, F. ; Nakamura, Y. ; Yamamoto, Y. ; Tagami, T. ; Hiramatsu, K. ; Kagami, H. ; Ono, T .
The genesis of germline chimeras by the transfer of aboriginal germ cells ( PGCs ) requires internalization of the PGCs of the donor into the gonadal weave of the recipient embryo. We investigated the utility of cushy x-irradiation with application of a lead ( 12 ten 3 ten 0.25 millimeter, – 0.1 gigabyte ) shield to the embryo proper for the production of chicken-quail germline chimera. Chicken embryo shielded during beam for 120s ( – 7.2 Gy ) at stages 13 to 17 showed a hatchability of 35 % ( 106/301 ), whereas the hatchability of unshielded embryo was 26 % ( 27/105 ). The relative population of gonadal PGCs at stage 30 for embryo irradiated at degree 13 with or without shielding was 13 and 5 %, respectively, of the measure for nonirradiated controls. Chicken embryo irradiated at stages 13 or 14 with or without shielding and transfused with flinch embryonic blood containing PGCs each exhibited – 130 relative population of donor PGCs in the leave gonad at stage 30. Xenotransplanted hatchlings exhibited donor-derived PGCs as detected by Southern hybridization and PCR. exposure of wimp embryo to – 7.2 Gy of x ray at stage 13 with the application of a leash carapace to the embryo proper is frankincense a feasible approach to depletion of endogenous source cells and the production of chicken-quail germline chimeras -
Have eggs. Will travel
DEFF Research Database ( Denmark )
Kroløkke, Charlotte
Feminist scholars have critically questioned the practices and ethics of generative mobility. While the generative mobility of birthrate patients has been foregrounded, little is known of egg donor mobility including the experiences of travelling internationally to donate eggs. Based on written … … stories and photographic fabric provided by forty-two egg donors, this article uses feminist bunch analysis and the concept of eggpreneurship to illustrate how global testis donors negotiate generative means and choice when they travel internationally to donate their eggs. In their stories, global egg … -
prohibition of lipolysis in the novel transgenic quail model overexpressing G0/G1 switch gene 2 in the adipose tissue during feed limitation .
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Sangsu ShinFull Text Available In addition to the issue of fleshiness in humans, the production of low-fat meat from domestic animals is significant in the agrarian diligence to satisfy consumer demand. Understanding the regulation of lipolysis in adipose tissue could advance our cognition to potentially solve both issues. Although the G0/G1 switch gene 2 ( G0S2 was recently identified as an inhibitor of adipose triglyceride lipase ( ATGL in vitro, its role in vivo has not been fully clarified. This study was conducted to investigate the function of G0S2 gene in vivo by using two independent transgenic flinch lines during different energy conditions. unexpectedly, G0S2 overexpression had a negligible effect on plasma NEFA assiduity, fatten cellular telephone size and fat pad slant under ad libitum feeding circumstance when adipose lipolytic natural process is minimal. A two-week feed limitation in non-transgenic quail expectedly caused increased plasma NEFA concentration and dramatically reduced fatten cell size and fatness slog weight. Contrary, G0S2 overexpression under a tip limitation resulted in a significantly less elevation of plasma NEFA concentration and smaller reductions in fat pad weights and fat cell size compared to non-transgenic flinch, demonstrating inhibition of lipolysis and resistance to loss of fat by G0S2. Excessive G0S2 inhibits lipolysis in vivo during active lipolytic conditions, such as food limitation and fast, suggesting G0S2 as a potential aim for treatment of fleshiness. In accession, transgenic quail are novel models for studying lipid metabolism and mechanisms of fleshiness .
effect of egg freshness on texture and baking characteristics of clobber systems formulated using egg, flour and boodle .
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Xing, Liting ; Niu, Fuge ; Su, Yujie ; Yang, Yanjun
The aim of this work was to evaluate the effects of egg novelty on baking properties and final qualities in batter systems. Batters were made with eggs of different freshness, and the properties of clobber systems were studied through rheologic analysis, rapid viscosity analysis ( RVA ), differential scanning calorimetry ( DSC ), batter density and expansion rate during the bake and cool processes. furthermore, the qualities of final baked systems were investigated, including specific volume and texture visibility analysis ( TPA ). The flow behavior of batters showed that the consistency index ( K ) decreased as the Haugh unit ( HU ) rate decreased, while the stream behavior exponent ( nitrogen ) increased. Both the storehouse modulus ( G ‘ ) and loss modulus ( G″ ) determined by mechanical spectrum at 20 °C decreased with decreasing HU. RVA and DSC determinations revealed that lower-HU samples had a lower viscosity in the baking summons and a shorter fourth dimension for starch gelatinization and egg protein denaturation. observation of the dinge concentration revealed an increasing change, which was reflected by a decrease in the specific volume of final examination models. TPA showed significant differences in unfeelingness and chewiness, but no meaning differences in give and cohesiveness were found. The egg freshness affected the properties of dinge systems. © 2015 club of Chemical Industry . -
Fast egg collection method acting greatly improves randomness of egg sampling in Drosophila melanogaster
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Schou, Mads Fristrup
When obtaining samples for population genic studies, it is essential that the sample distribution is random. For Drosophila, one of the all-important steps in sampling experimental flies is the solicitation of eggs. here an testis collection method acting is presented, which randomizes the eggs in a water column … … and diminishes environmental variability. This method was compared with a traditional egg solicitation method acting where eggs are collected directly from the medium. Within each method the observed and expected standard deviations of egg-to-adult viability were compared, whereby the dispute in the randomness … … and to obtain a representative collection of genotypes, the method acting presented here is strongly recommended when collecting eggs from Drosophila … . -
Animal egg as evolutionary invention : a solution to the “ embryonic hourglass ” puzzle .
Science.gov ( United States )Newman, Stuart A
The evolutionary origin of the egg stage of animal growth presents several difficulties for ceremonious developmental and evolutionary narratives. If the egg ‘s internal arrangement represents a template for cardinal features of the train organism, why can taxa within a given phylum exhibit very unlike testis types, run through a coarse intercede morphology ( the alleged “ phylotypic stage ” ), lone to diverge again, thus exemplifying the embryonic “ hourglass ” ? furthermore, if different egg types typically represent adaptations to unlike environmental conditions, why do birds and mammals, for exemplar, have such vastly unlike eggs with esteem to size, form, and postfertilization dynamics, whereas all these features are more similar for ascidians and mammals ? here, I consider the possibility that different body plans had their beginning in self-organizing physical processes in ancient clusters of cells, and suggest that eggs represented a hardened of mugwump evolutionary innovations subsequently inserted into the developmental trajectories of such aggregates. I first describe how “ dynamic pattern modules ” ( DPMs ) associations between components of the metazoan developmental-genetic toolkit and certain physical processes and effects may have organized primitive animal body plans independently of an egg degree. adjacent, I describe how adaptive specialization of cells released from such aggregates could have become “ proto-eggs, ” which regenerated the parental cell clusters by cleavage, conserving the characteristic DPMs available to a ancestry. then, I show how know processes of cytoplasmic reorganization following fertilization are frequently based on spontaneous, self-organizing forcible effects ( “ egg-patterning processes ” : EPPs ). I suggest that quite than acting as developmental blueprints or prepatterns, the EPPs refine the phylotypic body plans determined by the DPMs by setting the limit and initial conditions under which these multicellular model
Plasticity in the antipredator behavior of the orange-footed sea cucumber under shifting hydrodynamic forces
Rate this post Abstract Marine invertebrates that move besides lento to evade unfavorable environmental change may rather exhibit phenotypical malleability, allowing them to adjust to