Everything You Never Knew About Sea Cucumbers – 30A

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The name sea cucumber may conjure up a mental image of a cute short vegetable floating around in the ocean, but don ’ t let the name jester you – they aren ’ t plants. And it ’ s not likely anybody would always accuse these creatures of being adorable either .

Let’s look at some facts about this interesting sea creature.

There Are Many Variations

Sea cucumbers aren ’ t all the same – they come in about 1,500 species and a wide image of shapes, sizes, and colors. They can be super little, even under an edge, but they can besides be many feet hanker. They are not consistent in size, needle to say .

They Are Survivors

Sea cucumbers aren ’ deoxythymidine monophosphate going to outrun the predators who want to eat them, such as crabs, sea turtles, and sea stars. But they do have an breeze through up their sleeve that can allow them to survive. Some of these sneaky sea creatures can expel their Cuvierian tubules and some internal organs through their anus if they feel threatened. ( EDITOR ’ S NOTE : :shudder : : )

Expelling their guts does two things for the ocean cucumbers. First of wholly, the Cuvierian tubules are sticky threads that can entangle the marauder, and when predators are touched by them, they tend to leave the ocean cucumber entirely for several days .
The sticky Cuvierian tubules tend to be more debatable for predators with less travel rapidly, like sea stars, snails, and gripe. It doesn ’ triiodothyronine function a well on faster fish, which might be out of injury ’ s way by the time the Cuvierian tubules are launched .
second, the ocean cucumber can expel their inner organs – scientists call this march evisceration. When the organs have been expelled from the soundbox, the sea cucumber regenerates. : :shudder again : :

We Can Learn From Them

Scientists are trying to learn about the organ regrowth of the ocean cucumbers because they channel all their curative abilities to organ re-formation when they need to. The hope is that scientists can learn how we can heal our own injuries and wounds, or even potentially regeneration, from the cognition they get from studying ocean cucumbers.

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Humans may besides someday reap health benefits from sea cucumbers for another reason – flying repairs to our ligaments and tendons. right now, many people suffer from ligament and tendon issues. But the catch connective weave of ocean cucumbers can fluctuate between flexible and rigid cursorily, which makes them of interest to scientists .

They Don’t Get Around Much

Did you see a ocean cucumber while diving ? If you go back to the same smudge the next day, you ’ ll see it again .

That ’ sulfur because they don ’ deoxythymidine monophosphate move very much or quickly, even though they have respective rows of tube feet .

They are easy to find if you ’ rhenium looking for them because they can live anywhere submerged. You can find them near the coast in shallow waters, but they can besides survive in deep waters .

We Like to Eat Them

Despite their less than appetizing appearance, the residents of many countries, peculiarly in Asia, consider sea cucumbers an exotic food. Plus, they have a character in traditional chinese medicine, which besides makes them valuable. Their popularity has led to a decrease in their numbers because they are highly sought after .

To protect the species, some areas, including Hawaii, have implemented regulations about the harvest of sea cucumbers .

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generator : http://heyreviewfood.com

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