The adjacent good morning I fried some up for the kids. They loved them ! After seeing this my husband said “ Start researching how to raise quail. ” Yea, spotty eggs !
here is a brief list of some of the health benefits of quail eggs that I ’ ve discover .
Quail eggs :
- help to digest food, treat constipation, nausea, muscle weakness, dizziness, and fatigue.
- are a remedy against digestive tract disorders such as gastritis and stomach ulcers.
- can help cure anemia increasing hemoglobin level and remove toxins and heavy metals from blood.
- can help control infections and inflammations leading to asthma, allergies, eczema and psoriasis.
- help in the treatment of tuberculosis and diabetes .
- have strong anticancer effects and may help inhibit cancerous growth.
- give you the needed energy, resistance from illness, and faster recovery following surgery or from chemotherapy effects and other cancer treatments.
- can remove stones formed in the kidneys, liver and gall bladder.
- may accelerate recuperation after blood stroke and help strengthen heart muscle.
- promotes good memory, enhancing brain activity and regulating the nervous system.
- it also protects the nervous system and brain from the oxidative damage associated with age-related memory loss.
- help restores sexual potency in men.
- are a high protein food without the carbohydrates and bad LDL cholesterol
- strengthens the immune system which slows down the aging of organs and increases your life span
- improve skin color and strengthen hair.
- In contrast to the chicken, quail eggs do not cause allergies, but rather suppress it.
- useful for children to enhance development, both physically and mentally. A child who eats two quail eggs a day has a better memory, a stronger nervous system, sharper vision, is better developed, and is less likely to suffer from infectious diseases.
- helps a woman feel better during pregnancy, and helps in the amount of milk in nursing mothers.
- Research scientists have shown that quail meat and eggs can help avoid adverse effects of stress and overwork.
- Their nutritional value is 3-4 times higher than that of chicken eggs.
You can besides eat quail eggshells ! Research has shown that the shell of flinch eggs is 90 % calcium carbonate and contains lots of essential minerals for the body, like copper, zinc and lots more .
Wow ! I guess the quail egg is sincerely the incredible edible egg !
besides if you want to maximize the benefits found in a quail egg you better eat them raw*. bleak ! ! That ’ s surely a word our company has conditioned itself to be afraid of, but the more and more inform I get sensitive is better for most things. Just wash them in boiling water. You don ’ t have to be afraid of salmonella because the consistency temperature of quail is higher than that of chicken. Quail eggs have a high capacity of lysozyme that kills harmful bacteria and makes their eggs resistant to infections .
I ’ thousand certain your saying “ yea that ’ south nice and all but we I don ’ triiodothyronine live on a farm. ” Neither do we ! All you need to raise flinch is a rabbit hutch with protection on at least three sides. This is what we are going to use :
Quail preceptor ’ deoxythymidine monophosphate need a lot of room. You can fit 1-2 quail in 1 sq foot. More and more apartment dwellers are raising quail and button flinch inside. Button quail are even smaller quail. They have GORGEOUS eggs. ( painting copied from an Ebay ad. ) They take up less room and can live in a wop devour batting cage like this one that I copied off of the petsmart web site.
I purchased some Coturnix flinch from Oak Meadows Farm. They are in the incubator now. Hatch sidereal day is this Saturday ( 7/14/12 ). Stay tuned for our hatch day blog and pictures on our Facebook page !
now go get some quail ! Ok, Ok now your saying “ We are not “ enthusiastic ” bird hippies. ” Well, fair enough .
The first egg from our quail that we hatched out. I suggest if you are to get quail that you do so early jump. Unless quail have the proper alight ( 14 hours a day ) they quit laying for the winter. Otherwise you would be paying to feed them all winter with no eggs in return. Unless you are planning to keep them indoors or provide artificial light up .
God has given us therefore many resources hera on earth. He is so fantastic to take concern of us in so many different ways. He demonstrates His glory in this small shuttlecock and bantam egg. His creations are therefore fantastic. He deserves our praise .
I will extol You, my God, O King;
And I will bless Your name forever and ever.
Read more: Can Dogs Eat Quail Eggs? (Benefits/Risks)
Every day I will bless You,
And I will praise Your name forever and ever.
Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised;
And His greatness is unsearchable. Psalm 145 :1-3
Waiting for the hatch .
The Great Quail Eggscape !
*Now a immediate disavowal : You should always do your own inquiry and weigh the risks v.s. benefits of eating raw.. anything. Use your best opinion before feeding your family and yourself raw flinch eggs. There is always the possibility that eating raw or under cook meats can make you nauseated .
hera are some links where I found my information
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Please feel free to leave a comment. I look ahead to reading them. -Theresa
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