Raw Egg Coffee – Is It Good? (Benefits & Recipes)

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Yes, sensitive egg coffee, you ’ ve read that right .
It might come as a shock but, yes, naked testis coffee is a thing, and a draw of coffee bean enthusiasts are adding bare-assed eggs into their darling cup of joe .
normally, we add chocolate syrup, vanilla, or butter to add flavor to your coffee .

But apparently, throwing in a raw egg in your coffee bean creates a smooth, healthier, and overall tastier coffee .
Adding raw eggs into chocolate is a common rehearse in the vietnamese and scandinavian acculturation. They do this by adding bleak eggs into the coffee bean beans then brewing it like how you brew a regular coffee bean. It is not the most typical of things, but there are reasons why naked egg coffee is gaining traction in the coffee community .
Let us explore the wonders of raw testis coffee and why a set of people are keen on trying it out .

Benefits of adding raw egg to your coffee

Adding raw eggs to coffee sounds very odd, yes, but there are reasons why it is becoming a course. here are equitable some of the benefits of adding raw eggs to your coffee and why you should consider doing it excessively .
Coffee Raw Egg

Egg decreases bitterness in coffee 

Adding a raw egg to your cup of joe can reduce its bitterness. Eggs are rich in proteins. According to experts, exposure to high temperature breaks the proteins in egg whites apart and binds to macromolecules alternatively .
In kernel, when you add a raw egg to your coffee bean, the protein can bind to tannins, a kernel that causes bitterness and reduces the biting taste of your cup .
therefore, if you want to enhance your coffee and reduce some of its acrimonious taste, then you might want to add an egg to your recipe .

Egg coffee could keep you fuller for long

According to a dietician and personal trainer, Sirine Abu Zeine, egg coffee can make you feel entire longer. According to her, coffee bean and egg is a good combination. Coffee can give the energy boost that you need while an egg is a good source of protein and adipose tissue .
A raw egg in your coffee might be the perfective day crank .
a raw egg coffee

Egg yolks are excellent emulsifiers

egg yolks are long-familiar for their emulsify properties. egg yolks can smooth out anything from dressings to sauces. Adding testis yolks can create a coherent, smooth salad dress .
It does the same for coffee. so, if you want a delicious, rich, and reproducible cup of chocolate, try adding a raw testis into it .

Eggs are incredible sources of micronutrients

Eggs contain all the vitamins and minerals that are effective for your body. Adding a raw egg to your coffee adds more nutritional measure to your cup .
immediately, possibly, you are thinking of adding raw egg to your coffee with all the nutritional benefits and rich consistency it offers. however, there are besides some concerns about adding a bare-assed testis to your chocolate .

Raw egg coffee contains more calories

Although we said that among the benefits of adding natural egg to your coffee is that it can keep you fuller for a long meter and contains micronutrients needed by your body, it is besides true that raw testis coffee bean has more calories .
Compared to a regular coffee, a raw egg coffee contains more calories that are around. Keep this in thinker before you decide to add a raw egg to your coffee recipe .

The risk of salmonella poisoning

Consuming raw eggs can cause salmonella poisoning. Salmonella poisoning can cause vomiting and diarrhea. Although hot coffee can arguably cook eggs to avoid salmonella poison, this might not always be the encase .
If you are thinking of adding naked eggs to your chocolate, make sure that it ’ randomness hot adequate to heat and cook the egg .
If you think about it, the benefits of cracking an egg for your coffee are a draw. now, if you are thinking of adding raw eggs to your coffee bean, do it by rights. Make surely that your chocolate is hot enough to heat and cook the egg for safe consumption .

Why Do You Need the Right Amount of Coffee?

coffee is an excellent energy supporter, simply delectable, and offers a set of benefits. But to properly benefit from chocolate you have to drink equitable the right come of coffee. The commend restrict is a utmost of 400 milligrams of caffeine per day .
If you stay within the limit, here are some of the benefits it brings :
Raw Egg Coffee

Live longer

Studies show that chocolate drinkers are less likely to die from coronary thrombosis affection disease, stroke, and kidney failure, which are some of the conduct causes of death, particularly in women .

Reduce the risk of getting Alzheimer’s

Some studies found that those who drank coffee are less likely to develop dementia. Caffeine can stimulate your brain and protect against developing a degenerative disease .

Reduce the risk of colorectal cancer

Cancer is a fateful disease with no identify remedy. Drinking coffee can help you reduce the risk of developing such. According to studies, those who drink coffee were 26 percentage less like to develop colorectal cancer .

Raw egg recipes you can try at home

Adding a bleak testis directly to your chocolate will taste like a disaster. If you are matter to in trying a bleak testis coffee, we prepared three dim-witted raw testis recipes to show you how to make an egg coffee .
Scandinavian Egg Coffee

Scandinavian Egg Coffee

Raw egg coffee is popularly associated with the Scandinavian culture, so it is only natural that we are showing you this recipe first.

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  • One egg
  • 20 gigabyte of coarsely labor coffee
  • 400 milliliter of boiling water
  • 300 milliliter of cold water system


  •  Break the egg. Break the egg and put it into a bowl together with a ¼ cup of cold water and the coarsely ground coffee. Mix it all until it is all even and smooth.

  • Add mixture to the coffee pot. After mixing the egg with the water and coffee ground, add the mixture into the coffee pot with 400g of boiling water. Let your mixture simmer for about 3 to 5 minutes.

  • Add cold water. After boiling, add 100g of cold water onto your coffee and let it sit for 2 minutes.

  • Strain the coffee and serve. After the 2 minutes, you can now strain the coffee to reduce any coffee grounds or particles from your coffee. Serve it hot or iced as you prefer.

Vietnamese Egg Coffee

Vietnamese Egg Coffee

The history of egg coffee comes from Vietnamese coffee. The Vietnamese egg coffee is the perfect dessert if you are looking for one with its almost cappuccino-like taste.

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  • 2 tbsp vietnamese coffee bean ( if you don ’ t have one, go for darkness ridicule coffee )
  • 3 cups of hot water
  • 1-3 tbsp condensed milk
  • 1 tbsp boodle
  • 2 egg yolks


  • Brew the coffee. Ideally, you need phin, a Vietnamese coffee filter, in brewing your coffee. But if this is not possible, you can use espresso or coffee made in a French press. Never use instant coffee.

  • Beat Eggs. Break the eggs and put it in a small bowl with sugar, beat it until smooth.

  • Add condensed milk. Fold in condensed milk. The amount depends on how sweet you prefer your coffee to be.

  • Add the egg mixture to the coffee. With the coffee in a cup, spoon the egg mixture over the coffee.

  • Add toppings. You can choose to add cinnamon or cocoa powder over your coffee if you prefer.

Primal Egg Yolk Coffee

Primal Egg Yolk Coffee

The primal egg yolk coffee is a recipe from Mark Sisson that he says is both healthy and tasty. It’s a simple recipe that you can tweak and experiment with.

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  • 1 ½ ( 350 milliliter ) cup of coffee
  • 3 testis yolks
  • One teaspoon sugar
  • A pilfer of salt


  • Blend coffee with egg. Break the eggs, separate the yolks from the whites. Get the yolks and blend it with the coffee for around 3 minutes until smooth and consistent.

  • Add sugar and salt. Add a pinch of salt and a teaspoon of sugar into the mixture. then blend it a bit more.

  • Serve. Pour the coffee out and serve. You can add additional flavors to your coffee like cinnamon, turmeric, butter, or vanilla essence. Experiment on which tastes the best for your coffee.

Final Thoughts

There are many ways to enjoy coffee. Adding a naked testis into it might not be among the first things that would come to mind. But as you have read, combining the energy rise and delectable preference of coffee with the health benefits of eggs can easily enhance the taste and nutritional rate of your cup of joe .
You can give it a try and see if it fits for you. You might be surprised that you will come to love it.

Read more: Homemade Dumplings


  1. https://www.arabianbusiness.com/lifestyle/wellness/382439-egg-coffee-why-you-should-be-drinking-it

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