Chinese Garlic Green Beans – Din Tai Fung Style!

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Chinese Garlic Green Beans – Din Tai Fung Style Chinese Garlic Fried Greens On Friday nights, Katie and I frequently spar on what we ’ ll have for Saturday brunch. A british Breakfast ? That-One French-Style Sandwich Shop ? Dim-Sum ?

The next morning starts… but that “ Deep Saturday Sleep ” feels excessively full ! By the time we finally roll out of layer, the clock reads 11:30 am. The estimate of a light “ brunch ” dissolves and we pivot for savory, blue dim-sum ! In Seoul, we like to go to Din Tai Fung ( a very celebrated min Dim Sum Shop – they have branches in many countries now ). 1294 We like to go for the Xiaolongbao ( Soup Dumplings ), Shrimp Shumai, a main protein smasher and our favorite… Chinese Garlic Green Beans ! The Chinese Garlic Green Beans is a must! Chinese Garlic Green Bean 5 I don ’ triiodothyronine think we ’ ve ever ordered at Din Tai Fung ( or any min restaurant ) without a side of these garlicky green beans. today, I ’ ll display you how to make this Din Tai Fung Style, Chinese Garlic Green Beans at home .It’s very simple – requiring no special sauces. It ’ s very childlike – requiring no particular sauces. merely some garlic and salt. note : In our recipe, we ’ rhenium using park Beans ( aka String Beans ). But at the restaurant, they ’ rhenium using chinese Long Beans. If you can find chinese Long Beans at your local anesthetic asian market – go with that ! But k beans work just angstrom well as a alternate !

Tips for making Chinese Garlic Green Beans.

Cut-off the root parcel from the green beans. ( You can besides trim-off the other side excessively if you like – for a cleaner look ). Chinese Garlic Green Bean 1 1 There are many ways to cook the green beans for this serve. many homecooks will boil it ( to make it healthier ), or sauté it. But personally, I think the dry, flash-frying method acting is the best ! note : Use a neutral oil ( we ‘re using vegetable oil ) Chinese Garlic Green Bean 5 5 Dry fry means that you don ’ triiodothyronine coat it or batter the ingredient – just deep-fry it bare. This produces a fantastic blister texture on the surface of the green beans – that make it a rejoice to eat. IMPORTANT: Make sure you pat-down the beans completely dry after washing – any water will make alot of oil splatter when frying.  Chinese Garlic Green Bean 2 2 When is the oil ready ? place in a wooden chopstick ( or any wooden utensil ) into the blistering petroleum – and if you see lot of bubbles sizzling from it, it ‘s quick. Chinese Garlic Green Bean 4 4 How farseeing should I fry ? Take the green beans out of the anoint once the clamber starts to blister ( about 45 seconds to 60 seconds of frying ). Chinese Garlic Green Bean 3 If you fry for excessively long, the green beans will start to wilt and turn bathetic. following, add in some of the leftover oil when sautéing the minced garlic. Chinese Garlic Green Bean 7 7 Remember to turn off the heat once the mince garlic starts to brown. There ’ randomness still enough of leftover heat in the pan for mixing and sautéing the electrocute fleeceable onions together. Chinese Garlic Green Bean 4 If you end up making these chinese garlic green beans, tag us on IG with a movie of your dish – we love flipping through your pictures in the good morning. P.s. If you ’ rhenium cook alone, wear ’ t get besides bore. Consider listening to our latest podcast episode while you cook ! Bon Appetit ya ’ ll – get your stirfry face on ! Screen Shot 2021 05 06 at 6.32.55 PM 1 scaled Daniel out ????Chinese Garlic Fried Greens

Chinese Garlic Green Beans – Din Tai Fung Style!




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  • 3 Cups Fresh Green Beans ( ~1lb ) ( or Chinese Long Beans )
  • 6-7 Garlic Cloves
  • 2 large Pinches salt


Prep Green Beans

  • Wash 3 cups of Fresh Green Beans. Pat them down dry COMPLETELY with a few paper towels (we want no moisture on them as we’ll fry!)

  • Grab a handful of the beans – line them up in the same direction. Use a knife and trim off the stems. Then cut the beans once more in half. Repeat for all the beans.

  • Finely mince 6-7 cloves of garlic (go over the garlic pieces to get them into small pieces!)

Flash-Fry Green Beans

  • Pour some neutral oil (vegetable oil) into a wok or pot. Just enough to submerge the beans.

  • Once the oil is hot, carefully add in a handful of the green beans. Fry them for 45-60 seconds (or until the skins of the green beans start to blister). Take them out immediately and place onto a paper-towel lined plate. Fry all of the green beans.

  • After frying, pour the leftover oil into another pot or container.

Make Garlic Green Beans.

  • There will be some residual oil left in your wok or pot.

  • Place it on a medium heat and add-in the finely minced garlic. (Feel free to add in a few dashes more of the leftover oil to help the garlic sauté.)

  • Once the garlic pieces start to change color, turn off the heat. Add in the flash-fried green beans.

  • Season with a 2 big pinches of salt. Taste and add more if needed.

  • Stir-fry for a final 10-15 seconds.

  • Plate and enjoy!!

Tried this recipe ? Tag us at @ efutureneighbor with your dish !

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