Sauerkraut and Sausage Knoephla Skillet Dish

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Sausage & Dumplings in a white bowl.
Cream, blimp, butter, and knoephla dumplings make up this luxuriously guilty pleasure. Sauerkraut and Sausage Knoephla Skillet Dish is unplayful German comfort food and a great single skillet dish for a weekday night or when you want something a bit special .
Knöpfle dumplings, sauerkraut and sausage in a bowl
In our exploration of Knoephla soup and my traditional Knoephla soup recipe, I found a german Knoephla recipe that I have fallen in sexual love with. It is not a soup, but a frying pan dish that has knoephla dumplings, sauerkraut, and blimp .
This Knoephla Sauerkraut and Sausage recipe still has the creamy, pantry find of the soup I make, but adds some other excellent german flavors. This is an easy-to-make meal and if you already love sauerkraut, this frying pan dinner is wholly worth a judge. Enjoy our Knoephla Sauerkraut and Sausage recipe.

Knoephla Sauerkraut and Sausage Overview

Growing up, I only knew knoephla as a soup recipe, but have since learned that it very is just the dumpling. While it is the amazing soup I know and love, there is more to these short buttons than meets the center. There are many recipes that can be made with knoephla dumplings, and it lone makes feel. The dumplings themselves are tasty and can take on the spirit of whatever surrounds them .
This nice, creamy frying pan serve with dumplings, sauerkraut, and skim. It is faintly evocative of a cream corned gripe recipe that my aunt used to feed me. No, it isn ’ deoxythymidine monophosphate Irish, but there is a pilfer chemical element with the sauerkraut. Yes, we use blimp rather of corn gripe, which makes it different, but still lends to a comforting kernel relish .
basically, we are taking some of the tasty elements of the soup I know and moving them to a frying pan. then, adding some more traditional german flavors. Oh, and butter. More butter. mmmm .

Are the Dumplings the Same As The Ones From Soup?

The dumplings in this recipe have the like ingredients from the ones we used in our traditional knoephla recipe, but I did slenderly change up how they were cut. I am very well with having some reasonably large dumplings in the soup, but it didn ’ deoxythymidine monophosphate feel right in this recipe. I cut the dumplings quite a sting smaller to about half an inch .

Frying Knoephla Dumplings

One obtrusive deviation between the soup and this frying pan dish is how we treat the dumplings. rather of good boiling the dumplings, we are going to fry our dumplings in butter .
We hush boil them, but then besides fry them to add a bit of crispness to the dumplings. The estimate here is that we will get some of the little hard electrocute bits on the outer crust of the dumplings. I think there can be a fine production line here between a nice crust and burn. Make sure to mix up your dumplings when they are frying and if it starts to get excessively brown, possibly it is time to add the cream .

Can I Substitute Other Sausages for German Smoked Sausage

Yes. I would say that about any cured sausage would be a thoroughly substitute for a box labeled as ‘ german Smoked Sausage ’. sausage, in general, is pretty amazing and would be good in a kraut, cream, butter, and dumpling blend .
Raw knöpfle dumplings before being boiled on a white cutting board. These are the raw dumplings before they are boiled or fried.
Frying the knöpfle dumplings in butter.Here are the boiled dumplings that are in the process of being fried. Note the crisp and slight browning going on with them.
All knopfle sauerkraut ingredients are in the pan.Here is all of the ingredients in the skillet cooking down to our delicious end product.
Two bowls of this German dish with a cutting board and some sausages on the side
honestly, this was an unexpected joy in this series and I found a fresh admiration for both knoephla and for sauerkraut. This is an easy recipe that can be made reasonably promptly. Most importantly, it is delectable as heck. indeed, eat up draw a bead on german eater… make this Knoephla Sauerkraut and Sausage Skillet Dish nowadays !

Products I Used In This Recipe

Recipe Tips

  • You can really use any cured sausage in this dish.
  • I use a cast iron skillet, but any sizable pan should work.

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Knöpfle dumplings, sauerkraut and sausage in a bowl

Sauerkraut and Sausage Knoephla Skillet Dish





  • writer : Ben Myhre
  • homework clock time : 15 minutes
  • cook time : 30 minutes
  • sum time : 45 Minutes
  • yield :




    Read more: Nom Wah Tea Parlor


  • class : Dumplings
  • method : child
  • cuisine : german

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This dish is indeed german and thus tasty. Sauerkraut and blimp are all that we truly need to say, but then add in knoephla dumplings, cream, and butter. Heaven in a frying pan. sol much spirit going on in this dish .



For Dumplings:

  • 2 eggs
  • ½ cup milk
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 2 cups flour

For Skillet:

  • 4 Tablespoons Butter
  • All of the Dumplings
  • 8 Ounces German smoked sausage, sliced into ½ sections or chopped
  • 2 cups whole milk
  • 2 cups sauerkraut, drained


For Dumplings:

  1. Mix all dumpling ingredients in a bowl and combine well
  2. Divide into two pieces just to make easier to work with
  3. On a lightly floured surface, roll each piece out with your hand so it is approximately ½ inch in diameter and like a rope
  4. If needed sprinkle with flour to make easier to work with
  5. Cut into ½ inch dumpling pieces and set aside.
  6. Add water to a large pot, salt, and heat to high
  7. Allow to boil 3-5 minutes or until all dumplings are floating at top
  8. Strain and set aside

For Skillet:

  1. Add butter to large frying pan and turn to medium high
  2. Once butter is melted, add dumplings and fry for about five minutes or until a golden brown crust starts to develop on dumplings. Make sure to mix with a spatula regularly.
  3. Add sausage and cook for another 5 minutes or until sausage is warmed
  4. Add milk and allow to simmer for 15 minutes
  5. add salt and pepper to taste
  6. Add sauerkraut and cook until warmed.
  7. Serve


  • You can really use any cured sausage in this dish.
  • I use a cast iron skillet, but any sizable pan should work.


  • Serving Size: ¼ frying pan
  • Calories: 599
  • Sugar: 9g
  • Sodium: 1659 milligram
  • Fat: 30 gigabyte
  • Saturated Fat: 15 gram
  • Unsaturated Fat: 15 deoxyguanosine monophosphate
  • Carbohydrates: 55 gigabyte
  • Fiber: 4 gram
  • Protein: 23 thousand
  • Cholesterol: 171 magnesium

Keywords: sauerkraut and sausage

beginning :

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