Meet Jessica | Behind the Scenes of The Novice Chef Blog

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I ’ m a trial and error, self-taught boodle addict who taught herself how to survive in the kitchen, one recipe at a time. I like to live by the 80/20 rule. 80 % goodly & 20 % of living your liveliness !
Jessica Segarra at the Dining Table with Her Two Daughters









About Jessica

Hey y ’ all ! My name is Jessica Segarra and I am the grimace behind The Novice Chef. I am besides a wife to Jorge, mama to twins Ellie & Lyla and my son Milo. My kids are my animation and I love that both girls share a sleep together of cooking with me. We besides have a whole grizzle of pets running about picking up any drop scraps in the kitchen — I can never turn away a stray !

I am a test and error, self taught, sugar addict who taught herself how to survive in the kitchen, one recipe at a clock. I like to live by the 80/20 rule. 80 % healthy & 20 % of living your life. then, I share both healthy & deceiver day recipes ! ????
Jessica Segarra in a Blue Floral Dress Holding a Digital CameraI grew up sandwiched between my grandmother, who specializes in  I grew up sandwich between my grandma, who specializes in true cajun gumbo, and my beget, who makes the best banana pudding, ever. With those two perplex women running through my rake, it was impossible for food to not become the center of my life.

thankfully, I am no retentive equally novice as the blog name suggests. I used to be, trust me. Jorge can attest to my prior novitiate status when I started this little web log in 2008 .
I grew up washing dishes and consume, but I didn ’ deoxythymidine monophosphate spend a long ton of fourth dimension behind the stove until I got marry. I used to spend my nights stumbling around the kitchen making the few class recipes I knew by heart and take out. These days things are thankfully much unlike.

I am a mislaid Texan that has been living in Tampa, Florida since 2007. I have an obsession with big layer cakes, I never have the like hair discolor 3 months in a course and I will eat Cap ’ n Crunch until the day I die .

My Cookbooks!

In 2012, I conquered a dream of mine and wrote a cookbook ! Well, I actually ended up writing TWO cookbooks that year ! My first cookbook was Mini Donuts and my moment cookbook was Cereal Sweets & Treats. I am thus proud to have written and photographed both books ! But my true sexual love and mania lives here in this web log, sharing recipes equally soon as I make them with all of you .

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