Top 7 Chicken Breeds With Feathered Feet (with Pictures)

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If you ’ rhenium homestead and want something beyond the norm, you might want to consider raising chickens with feather feet. such chickens aren ’ thyroxine alone kept for their testis and kernel production ; they ’ re besides used as read birds. They make cover girl pets and are always a informant of wonder for kids. There are different chicken breeds with feathery feet to choose from .

1. Cochins



Cochins are feathered from head to toe ; you can ’ triiodothyronine pass by them without admiring them. They were first gear discovered in China in the 1840s and belong to to an asian class of three different chicken breeds, the other being Langshan and Brahma .
due to their origin, they were referred to as ‘ Cochins-China ’ before becoming known as ‘ Cochins. ’ Farmers created this chicken breed to provide meat and eggs. In 1874, the American Poultry Association recognized the Cochins.


Cochins are tall and feathered all through. many breeders refer to them as head-to-toe feathered chickens. The feathers are soft and downy ; you have to carry them in your hands and separate the feathers to see their legs .
Their wattles, earlobes, and unmarried combs are loss, but their eyes are yellow. A Cochin has five well-defined points on its comb and bombastic wings ; however, it doesn ’ t fly. The roosters weigh about 11 pounds while the hens, 8 pounds Cochins come in unlike colors such as Birchen, Columbian, Barred, Blue, Brown, Red, etc .


This fructify of chickens are fabulously calm. You ’ ll constantly find them where you keep them ; they ’ rhenium not given to foraging like other chicken breeds. consequently, you can well domesticate Cochins .
even in uncomfortable situations, they make themselves comfortable. They besides make commodity mothers ; they ’ re prolific at brood, but you have to keep an eye on them then as not to break the eggs they sit on because of their size .


They ’ rhenium identical goodly and lay about 150 eggs and above every year. Their feathery bodies make them cold-hardy ; however, they ’ rhenium vulnerable to heat. As such, you should keep them in a well-lit and vent area. They require a senior high school amount of protein and eat a set but aren ’ deoxythymidine monophosphate active. see you make them often exercise then as not to become corpulent and damage their health .

2. Faverolles



Faverolles were created from crossing Dorkings, Houdans, and Cochins in the 1860s in the french cities of Houdan and Faverolle. This explains why they were named after the town, Faverolle .
These dual-purpose chickens come in two varieties : Salmon and White. The american english Poultry Association admitted Salmon Faverolles in 1914 and White Faverolles in 1981. In the 1900s, this wimp breed was exported to America .


You ’ five hundred find about all the colors of the rainbow on a Faverolles ’ body. They have beards on their downy faces with red eyes and little wattles. You ’ ll find 5 points on their individual combs. Their bodies are broad and deep, which makes them more outstanding .
They have five toes on each of their feathered feet. They are white-skinned, and their beaks are pink. Their undersides are grey, while the rest of their bodies are cream-colored. The cock normally weighs 8 pounds, while the hens weigh 6½ pounds .


If you ’ re looking for a wimp breed that is both amusing and curious, the Faverolles are a good burst. They ’ rhenium adorable and love human contact a bunch. You can put them on your laps and pet them. They are easily elastic ; you won ’ thyroxine find them being aggressive .
If you ’ re raising them with other birds in a cluster, you have to watch them prevent early chicken breeds from taking advantage of their docility. They love to forage but besides do well with restriction. You ’ ll get about 200 eggs or more from them per year .


even though their feather bodies serve as a cover for them, you need to inspect them regularly to avoid parasites from hiding in their feathers. Asides from this, Faverolles are healthy chickens with no susceptibility. Just make sure you provide food and water for them and keep them in clean conditions .

3. Brahma



The Brahma chicken is one of the main Asia breeds, with the other two being Cochins and Langshan. This chicken breed was created from crossing the Shanghai and Chittagong and gets its diagnose from the Brahmaputra River in India. It is of five varieties : light, darkness, total darkness, white, and bluff, and considered a inheritance chicken. The american Poultry Association recognized entirely the inner light and dark varieties before the end of the twentieth century .


often referred to as the King of Chickens, Brahmas are large-sized with elongate and wide bodies. They ’ re feathered on every separate of their bodies, but their feathers are tightly fitted. Some human body hangs over their eyes, but their beaks are strong .
If you ’ re raising a abstemious Brahma, the chicken ’ sulfur feathers are white with black tones. The tail is besides black. For the Buff variety, most body parts are buff with other color tones, whereas the Dark diverseness has most parts of its body as black, but the summit and wings are gray. The appearance depends on the feather pattern your Brahma has. The roosters weigh 10 pounds, while the hens, 8 pounds .


flush though the Brahma is large, it is docile and sweet-tempered. You won ’ thymine find it being aggressive or proving unmanageable to handle. however, the Brahma loves foraging but are hapless flyers. Due to its size, it ’ vitamin d promptly get more food in a batch, but don ’ t bang-up other chickens ’ breeds that are smaller than them. It ’ five hundred even defend the batch against any perturbation and sometimes join other breeds to beg for treats .


Their slurred feathers allow them to cope in cold climates. however, their feather feet can sign of the zodiac parasites like plant louse or gather dirt, so you have to inspect them often. They require a high gear protein diet and eat a batch. They besides love having their own outer space. Provide adequate food and water so that they won ’ thyroxine turn on early chicken breeds in your flock .

4. Silkies



Silkies are primarily show birds because of their alone features. They ’ re feathered all through and were first spotted in China in the thirteenth century. They got their name from their satiny feather .


Silkies are bantam chickens, which means they are small-sized. Some varieties have beards. Their earlobes are bright blue, while their wattles and combs are black .
Their faces are black, but surprisingly, you ’ five hundred see black skin besides underneath the satiny feathers. Besides, their feathers can be blue, black, white, gold, etc. A Silkie ’ sulfur head has a lot of hair’s-breadth, which is a distinct feature. You can recognize a Silkie from afar equitable by seeing its fuzzy head .


They ’ ra effortless to breed, love to play with children, and are non-aggressive. They aren ’ triiodothyronine noisy and can live with humans as pets, making them perfect for homesteading. They are besides peace lovers and won ’ metric ton be the first to start a battle .
however, it ’ mho difficult for them to be their lifelike selves if aggressive chicken breeds are in the flock. It would help if you raised your Silkies with passive chicken breeds excessively. They are cuddlesome ; they expect you to pet them on your laps till they sleep. They love to brood over eggs, even if the egg aren ’ metric ton theirs .


Silkies are normally more vulnerable to some domestic fowl diseases. But once you vaccinate them, they are healthy. Their downy feathers don ’ thymine protect them from cold, so they aren ’ deoxythymidine monophosphate cold-hardy .
You have to pay special attention to them during cold seasons and regularly treat them. With adequate care, they ’ ll live farseeing. Include treats in their diet and keep them from foraging into insecure areas to protect them from predators .

5. Pekin Bantams

Pekin BantamsPekin Bantams


once known as Cochin China Bantams, Pekins are feathered all through and modest in size. They ’ re barely up to 30 centimeters grandiloquent. They were exported from Peking, now presently called Beijing, in China. They got their name from their place of origin .


Pekins are bantam chickens with alone feather. Their feathers are so full and downy ; you ’ vitamin d think the feathers have feathers when you see a Pekin .
This besides highlights their roundedness. Pekins have different colors – mottled, black, fathead, birch, Patridge, Colombian, lavender, etc. Their heads are constantly close to the footing, which makes them careen ahead. They have individual combs with gorgeous tails .


This group of chickens might be small in size, but they are playfulness lovers. They ’ re besides quick to love other chicken breeds, in addition to their gentle and friendly nature. You won ’ t have any trouble taming a Pekin .
They lay small, white, or cream-colored eggs which they love to sit on. They ’ ra chiefly bred for eggs or ornamental purposes. naturally, they have good maternal qualities, and their life anticipation ranges from 5 to 7 years if you take care of them well .
They love treats and will do better if you make time to bond with them. They ’ re by and large tranquillity but can become noisy as they grow older and become protective of others. They ’ ra o with being confined, so you don ’ t have to worry about putting them in a big outer space .


not only do they make good backyard chickens, but Pekins besides don ’ triiodothyronine normally have health issues. They might not be a potent as other birds, but they aren ’ t weak. But you have to care for their feathers. Since they have a wide feather, it ’ mho easier for louse and ticks to live in them. besides, don ’ t let them stay wet for long as they can ’ t defy being exposed to cold for long .

6. french Marans

French MaransFrench Marans


There are two types of Marans : english and french. only the french Marans have feathered feet. The french Marans were created in the french town of Marans by crossing unlike breeds .
The breeds which were crossed are changeable, but it ’ s widely speculated species such as Faverolles and Langshans were used. french Marans come in Salmon, Golden Cuckoo, Brown red, Blue Copper, Birchen, etc .


french Marans have short and non-fluffy feathers. Their shoulders are carried high, and their bodies are strong and across-the-board. Their earlobes and wattles are crimson, while their combs have sharp edges .
They have curtly wings, large breasts, and horn-colored beaks. Their appearance and carriage portray them as hard birds. The roosters weigh 8 pounds while the hens, 6.5 pounds. The chicks constantly have different patterns and colors .


There aren ’ t naturally broody, even though you might find some exceptions in your flock. They ’ re celebrated for laying bad, deep-brown eggs. french Marans start laying eggs right from 6 months. sometimes, they can begin a early on as 5 months old .
They ’ ra great foragers, and you ’ ll find them running through your backyard frequently. Their personalities vary. Some are friendly but not noisy nor docile. They love human contact but resist handling it sometimes .
On the early bridge player, some are skittish and docile. If you want your french Marans to be healthy and happy, allow them to forage often. They do well in a interracial troop and will be very assertive if need be .


They ’ re prone to frostbites, so you want to protect some parts of their bodies, such as their comb, earlobes, etc. besides, you should inspect their feathery feet regularly to prevent pests from living there. If you ’ ra raising french Marans for kernel, you ’ d have to spend lots of resources on them. They take longer to mature adequate to be eaten ; however, their meat is delightful .

7. belgian vitamin d ’ Uccles

Belgian d'UcclesBelgian d'Uccles


belgian five hundred ’ Uccles are feathered-feet bantam chickens that were first bred in Uccle, Belgian in the 1900s by Michel Van Gelder. Their breeders put them in poultry shows which made this wimp engender democratic. The american Poultry Association recognized them in 1914 .


Both the roosters and hens have bearded faces and fully-feathered legs and feet. belgian five hundred ’ Uccles are normally confused with other chicken breeds like Booted Bantams, and so forth, but there are meaning differences between these breeds .
They have broad chests and little backlines, and their bodies are V-shaped, unlike early chicken breeds. They hold themselves high, which makes their appearance impressive. As such, they ’ re nicknamed “ living flowers of our garden. ”


Aggressiveness international relations and security network ’ deoxythymidine monophosphate in the nature of belgian vitamin d ’ Uccles. Both the roosters and hens are identical composure and friendly. even interaction between one another is limited, specially when each chicken has enough to eat and drink .
They respond well to human liaison. however, because they are small-sized, they ’ re likely to be bullied by other more aggressive chickens. They ’ ra active and love to free-range. As such, it ’ randomness necessity that you closely examine the breeds you ’ ll be introducing into their cluster .
To be on the safe slope, you can mix them with docile chickens. belgian vitamin d ’ Uccles are naturally broody but don ’ thyroxine lay many eggs. You might scantily get up to 120 eggs per year from each. They pay attention to their chicks, which increases the chicks ‘ survival rates .


As park to other chickens, belgian five hundred ’ Uccles are prone to poultry diseases such as Marek ’ south disease. If you ’ re raising them with different chicken breeds, provide them food and water individually .
due to their size, they ’ re low on the chickens ’ pecking order and might not get the opportunity to eat and drink as they should. Ensure you provide dust bathing spaces for them to prevent parasites from living in their feathers .


While raising chicken breeds with feather feet makes your cluster more colorful, they require special care and manage. The high measure of feathers make them susceptible to parasites like mites, ticks, etc., so you have to trim the feathers regularly and ensure they ’ ra not wet. This room, they ’ ll be healthier and live farseeing .
feathered feet chicken breedsfeathered feet chicken breeds








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