The Best Gluten Free Won Ton Wrappers and Won Ton Soup

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If you ’ ve ever wondered whether you can find gluten unblock won tons or what the ingredients are in acquire tons, you ’ ve come to the right place ! Although you can ’ deoxythymidine monophosphate buy gluten free won long ton wrappers, you can decidedly make them yourself with this bare recipe that calls for just a few flour, eggs and urine. That ’ s it !
Won ton soup in white bowl
Making gluten rid south korean won tons is a labor of love. But you can do it in stages ( I ’ ll tell you how ! ), and then when it ’ second fourth dimension to fill them to make the best gluten rid won short ton soup anyone has ever had ( chinese take in ! ), you can press the small fingers of the children in your life into military service ( servitude ? ) and they ’ ll think it ’ second superintendent fun !
And then when they get to eat it, they ’ ll solicit you put them back to work the very future day. I think my children would sell me into servitude for precisely one more bowl of my homemade gluten free won long ton soup ( see my soup recipe below ! ) .
Overhead view of wontons on white surface

You are going to be amazed at all the uses for these won tons .
Won ton dough being shaped
even though any time you roll out dough and slice it into 3-inch squares it takes a bite of fourth dimension, the key here is that the boodle is a on-key pleasure to work with–and it ’ mho even kind of brooding. Plus, the won ton wrappers freeze exceptionally well .
Plus, if you ’ re normally afraid to roll out dough like this, read the instructions and you ’ ll find that there are tricks to the trade that actually make it truly easy. Scout ’ s honor !
stack of won ton dough on wooden surface
They stack very well, and will keep in the deep-freeze for months if you wrap them well ( only you can prevent deep-freeze bite ! ). then, when you know you ’ ll want to use them, precisely defrost them in the refrigerator and they ’ ll be ready to go .
Wonton soup overhead view in white bowl
Make My Favorite Won Ton Soup : I made a abruptly simple filling for my wontons in this soup ( 1 pound background pork or beef + 3 tablespoons gluten release soy sauce sauce + 3 tablespoons rice vinegar + 1 tablespoon honey + 1 leek, chopped ) .
then, topographic point about 1 teaspoon of filling in the center of each skin, moisten all 4 edges of each won ton hide with an egg laundry ( 1 egg beaten with 1 tablespoon water ), and close by joining two antonym corners of the skin, pressing out any breeze and sealing tightly. Brush the exceed with more egg wash, and bring in concert both tips on the long english of the resulting triangle, overlapping them slenderly and brushing with more egg wash to seal .
To make the soup, boil the wontons about 10 at a prison term in 4 cups boiling chicken stock, seasoned with soy sauce and chopped scallions, for about 4 minutes per batch ( or until the kernel is cooked and the noodles are offer ). Remove the wontons with a strainer, separate among bowl, and wilt baby bok choy in the stock. Divide the soup among the bowl, and serve piping hot .
You can besides use these won ton wrappers to make my fried wontons in the Air Fryer ! If you don ’ thyroxine have an Air Fryer and aren ’ triiodothyronine interested in one, never fear ! I ’ ve included instructions on how to bake them in the oven or deep electrocute them in anoint .

Round won ton wrappers in a stack and being shaped Gluten free won ton wrappers 315x315 1

The Best Gluten Free Won Ton Wrappers + Won Ton Soup

sample distribution evaluation item

Read more: Wonton Soup

Prep time:

30 minutes

Cook time:

>5 minutes


About 60 3-inch square wrappers


1 3/4 cups ( 245 g ) all purpose gluten free flour ( I used Better Batter ), plus more for scattering
3/4 teaspoon xanthan gum ( omit if your blend already contains it )
35 grams ( about 1/4 cup ) Expandex modified tapioca starch *
3 eggs ( 150 thousand, weighed out of blast ) at room temperature, beaten
4 to 6 tablespoons warm water ( about 85°F )
*Notes about Expandex :   In this one particular case, Expandex can be replaced with an equal amount, by slant, of regular tapioca starch/flour. The resulting wrappers will tear more easily and will broadly not be as impregnable .
Expandex is presently promptly available in the U.S. on In England, Expandex is sold under the name Isabel ’ s Baking Fix. If you have entree to Ultratex 3 and not Expandex, I would recommend trying a mix of 268 grams all purpose gluten loose flour + 12 grams Ultratex 3 in space of the blend above. Ultratex 3 is at least 3 times a potent as Expandex .


  • In the bowl of a bandstand mixer fitted with the paddle fastening ( or a bombastic bowl with a wooden smooch ), place the flour, xanthan mumble and Expandex, and whisk to combine well with a separate hand-held whisk. Create a good in the concentrate of the dry ingredients, and add the eggs and 4 tablespoons affectionate water, and mix to combine on medium accelerate for about 1 minute ( or with the wooden spoon for at least 2 minutes ). The dough should come together. If there are any crumbly bits, add the remaining warm body of water by the teaspoon until the boodle holds together well when squeezed with your hands. Turn the mixer speed up to medium-high, and beat until smooth, 3 to 4 minutes ( or by hand with a wooden spoon for at least doubly deoxyadenosine monophosphate long ). The boodle should be smooth and fictile. If it feels stiff, add a few more drops of water and shuffle in until fictile. It should be, at most, slenderly gluey but largely equitable smooth .
  • Transfer the dough to a patch of formative wrap, wrap it tightly and allow it to sit at room temperature for about 10 minutes. The boodle will absorb more water and any remaining stickiness should dissipate. Unwrap the boodle, divide it in half and return half of it to the plastic wind and wrap tightly to prevent it from drying out. Place the remaining half of the dough on a lightly floured surface, sprinkle lightly with more flour and cast into a rectangle about 1/4-inch chummy. Flip and shift the boodle much to prevent it from sticking, sprinkling very lightly with more flour as necessary to allow apparent motion. With a pizza bicycle, pastry cutter or sharp tongue, trim the edges of the rectangle to create even edges. Remove and gather the trimmings, and set them aside.
  • Using even and sustained, but not aggressive, atmospheric pressure, axial rotation out the rectangle until it is approximately 1/8 inch slurred. Slice into 3-inch squares. alternatively, slice the 1/4-inch thick rectangle into 1 1/2-inch squares, and roll each square evenly in all directions until it doubles in surface sphere and is 1/8-inch chummy. I often find this the quicker, easier way to get squares that are the proper thickness .
  • Use won short ton wrappers in gluten free eggrolls, gluten free potstickers, or won short ton dumplings for soup. Stack any leftover wrappers, wrap first in wax paper and then place in a freezer-safe container, seal tightly and freeze until ready to use. Defrost by placing nightlong in the refrigerator before using .
  • Adapted from the Won short ton Wrappers ( page 48 ) in the book Gluten-Free on a Shoestring ( Copyright © 2011 ) and Flour Tortillas ( page 203 ) in Gluten-Free on a Shoestring Bakes Bread  ( Copyright © 2013 ) .
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