The Ultimate Guide to Dim Sum! – Dim Sum Guide

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Are you new to dim total ? curious about the ins and outs, the do and don ’ metric ton of dim sum ? You ’ ve derive to the right place. We ‘ll teach you how to yum cha* like an adept ! * “ yum cha ” is the usual yue means of saying “ to eat dense kernel ”. See ? You ’ re learning already ! By the way, if you ‘re looking for our synergistic ocular glossary, you can find it here .

What is Dim Sum ( 點心)?

Dim Sum is a style of southerly taiwanese cuisine from the Guangdong province where dishes consist of small individual portions of food typically served in modest soft-shell clam baskets or modest plates. Due to the size of the minor bite-sized items, blur sum is naturally a sociable meal where everyone is sharing and trying out different items together. normally eaten as brunch or lunch, an authoritative and necessity separate of dimmed summarize is the tea. In fact, yue speakers ( the Guangdong state used to be called Canton ) do not say that they are going to eat blind sum, but rather say that they are going to “ yum cha ” ( 飲茶 ) ( drink tea ). Tea is an absolutely full of life share of the dim sum meal and besides helps to cut through the fat and dirt.

Assortment of Dim Sum Items
Look at all those choices !

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How to order Dim Sum

To start off, it ‘s important to know that most traditional dim union establishments only serve dim union during the brunch and lunch hours. Places that serve dim union at early hours decidedly do exist, but they may be rare in some locations .
When you first arrive at a dim sum establishment, there should be a front desk area where a staff penis will greet you and ask how many people your party has. If the tables are all full, they will either give you a slip of newspaper with a number on it, a radio receiver beeper, or will equitable ask you to wait. If you have a small party of people and are will to share a large postpone with other people as opposed to having an integral smaller mesa to yourselves, you can let the staff extremity know and this normally results in a shorter delay time. The chinese word for this would be “ daap toi ” ( 搭枱 ). once space is available, they will call you up and bring you to a table. If the place uses traditional push-carts ( more on this late ), they ‘ll besides provide a stamp wag, which is used to track how many dishes you order. The circuit board will be stamped each time you order a dish. here ‘s what a stamp card might look like :
Stamp Card
An case of a stamp poster .
At this decimal point, they ‘ll besides ask you what tea you want .

For a list of teas that may be available, you can find them hera .
In summation to a teapot with the tea you have chosen, some places may besides bring an supernumerary teapot with just hot water. You can use this to refill the chief teapot whenever you run out or you would like to dilute the tea so it isn ’ thymine as strong. additionally, if you find yourself eating blur sum in Hong Kong or Macau, you may find that some establishments will besides place a shoal bucket along with your plates, cups, and utensils. It ’ s typically a accustomed custom to use the bucket to rinse the plates, cups, and utensils with the hot water from the extra teapot as a auxiliary clean step. Afterwards, a staff penis will take the bucket away for you. ultimately, this extra clean pace is optional and in mod times, is probably unnecessary, but it can be fun to do however if you ’ re new to it !

Places with Push-Carts:

historically, many places used to use push-carts, where the carts are filled in the kitchen with versatile food items and pushed around the restaurant for diners to select from. There ’ sulfur equitable nothing quite like having an stallion cart filled with food rolled over to you for you to pick from !
Although this method acting has a certain agrestic and nostalgic appeal to it, it is now an outdated practice in most taiwanese territories and most big name establishments that come from a chinese territory. however, push-carts are still quite common in the many abroad chinese communities that exist around the global .
With push-carts, you can either expect at your table until a cart comes to you or if you do n’t want to wait, you can walk right over to a cart. If you do decide to venture over to a handcart, remember to bring your stamp card ! And don ’ thyroxine worry if you don ’ thyroxine know what each dish is called, you can precisely point to the ones you want .
After you ‘ve finished your meal, plainly hold up your stamp poster and ask a staff penis to write up your bill. If you want to use chinese, you can ask them to “ maai daan ” ( 埋單 ). They will then write the total cost of the meal onto your tease which you would former bring to the cross-file to pay. If you have any food that you have n’t finished and you would like to bring them home, you can ask them for a take out box at this here and now. If you want to ask in Chinese, that would be “ daa baau ” ( 打包 ). last, if you are in a country where tip off is customary, tips can be left on the table as cash or you can add it onto your poster when paying with a credit menu at the record .

Places with Menu Slips:

now for the more modern places that do not use push-carts, they will provide a menu faux pas that lists all of their dense sum items rather of a tender wag. These menu slips may sometimes include mental picture and sometimes may not. fortunately, Dim Sum Guide has got you covered ! We ’ ve cataloged a across-the-board diverseness of dim sum dishes in our ocular glossary so you can be informed and prepared. A broad list can be found here or you can navigate by class with the entrust menu .
With the slip in hand, you would merely fill it out to indicate which food items you want, hand it back to a staff extremity, and the kitchen will then prepare them for you on the spot. Everything else would be standard restaurant procedure. so as you can see, this more normal process loses some of the spell that comes with the traditional way of serving blur sum with push-carts .

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How are the food items priced?

Prices for each cup of tea depends on what size category they are. Each blur sum administration will normally categorize the food items differently. eminence that the size category is n’t angstrom simple as how large the dish is. It besides depends on the ingredients used in a particular dish with more expensive ingredients resulting in a larger size category .
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Rules and Customs

While very conventional high end dim sum establishments do exist, most dim sum establishments are normally reasonably casual, lively, and social. As a leave, there are n’t besides many concrete rules to follow. a long as you use common sense, are civilized, and do n’t play with your food and utensils, you ‘ll do good fine. The most authoritative aspect is to have fun with your friends and kin. It is a social meal after all !
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All about Tea

As described previously, tea is an absolutely vital part of dim kernel and the yue don ’ t say they are going to eat dim total. They say they are going to “ yum cha ” ( 飲茶 ) ( drink tea ). You can ’ thymine go yum cha ( drink tea ) without, y ’ know, drinking tea ! Although hot tea is about mandate, there may be some places that serve cold tea in hot weather .
The de facto most park character of tea at dim sum is probably bou leu tea with its deep and complex season, though this is probable more so for the older generations. If you prefer a lighter tea, two other democratic choices would be jasmine tea and chrysanthemum tea .
Bou-Lei Tea
Jasmine Tea
Chrysanthemum Tea
Three popular choices of teas for dense sum .

For a list of teas that may be available, you can find them here .
Tea is chosen when you ’ re initially brought to your table. When pouring tea, it ’ south polite to fill your companions ’ cups before filling your own cup. additionally, be sure not to fill the cup all the way up to the brim as this makes it unmanageable to pick the cup improving without spilling tea all over the position .
A accustomed yue gesture of saying thanks when person else is pouring tea for you is to lightly tap the table with either two fingers or two knuckles. This is besides highly utilitarian if your mouth is full with food. One theory that is frequently circulated is that this custom originates from the Qianlong Emperor of the Qing Dynasty. The floor goes like this :

Legend has it that the Qianlong Emperor once visited a teashop with his servants while disguised as a common. once seated, the emperor butterfly poured tea for his servants to maintain the disguise. All of his servants understood the incredible honor that was receiving tea from the emperor and wanted to kneel down in esteem and gratitude but could not do therefore without breaking his cover charge. As a resultant role, they rather tapped the table with bent fingers to signify kneeling.

Although historical evidence does not support this caption, it ’ sulfur still fun to think about. Another theory says that this custom came about from banquets of the Tang and Song Dynasties. Guests had to take turns singing songs for each round of drinks and everyone else would create a pulse for the singer by tapping their fingers on their tables. This theory suggests that the feel tapping survived as tapping for receiving tea .
Anyways, going back to dim sum, If you ever need to have your teapot refilled, plainly leave the hat ajar. staff members know to be on the lookout for this and will refill your teapot when they have a casual. See the picture below for mention .
A teapot with the lid ajar
A teapot with the hat ajar .
There ’ s actually a history that goes with this teapot lid customs a well ! There are several variations to it, but here ’ s one .

One cold day in winter, a rich lord went dining at a teashop along with his darling bird in a batting cage. While eating, he noticed there was a cold blueprint coming in from a window and thought that his shuttlecock was cold. He took an empty teapot, placed his dame inside of it to shield it from the wind, and placed the hat on top to prevent it from flying away. A waiter walked by and without warning, filled the teapot with hot tea. The blister water killed the dame and the restaurant was sued for an exorbitant amount by the lord. ever since then, the teashop decided that all customers must leave the teapot lids ajar if they want tea to be refilled to prevent this from happening again .
Another pas seul replaces the rich lord with a crooked criminal who uses the dead bird in decree to scam the restaurant for compensation. Either way, there ’ second somehow always a bird involved !
last, if tea international relations and security network ’ t your thing, don ’ thymine worry ! Feel absolve to order urine and other drinks as well. Depending on the seat, other options might include sodium carbonate, beer, ripple tea, etc. Keep in mind you need to pay supernumerary for these .

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The Essential Dishes

Every blind kernel establishment will serve a slightly different tilt of dishes. Some may even have extra variations or wholly new dishes they invent. however, there ‘s about surely a few popular dishes that you should be able to find careless of whichever dim sum establishment you go to .
Some of these necessity staple items include barbecue pork barrel buns, shrimp dumplings, gripe or runt rice rolls, phoenix claws ( which are actually chicken feet ), pork rib, turnip cakes, egg tarts, and egg custard buns, among others. You might flush go as far to say that dim summarize international relations and security network ’ t quite dim summarize, in the traditional feel, without at least some of these dishes .
Assortment of Popular Dim Sum Items

For a full tilt of the most popular dishes, suction stop here .
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Ordering Extras

Most dim sum establishments don ’ t actually just serve black total, but besides serve larger entrée size dishes as well and some of these dishes should be available to order during dim kernel. It ‘s often common to order a serve of vegetables or stir fry noodles or stir fried rice to supplement the black total. additionally, it is credibly best to arrange these early in the meal since they take a little bit of meter to cook .
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Chinese names & Pronounciation

As you ’ ve now learned, dim sum comes from the Guangdong state, which used to be called Canton, and the people there speak Cantonese. If you ‘re in a yue talk territory, you ‘ll obviously see yue being used. If you ‘re in a Mandarin speaking territory, you ‘ll obviously see Mandarin being used. For oversea locations away from chinese territories, many chinese communities traditionally emigrated from Guangdong, so as a solution, many dim sum establishments, specially in North America, should understand Cantonese. Although the current immigration drift is from Mandarin speaking chinese territories, Cantonese should however be understood in many places .


While there are many pronunciation systems for Cantonese, one of the most popular forms of yue pronunciation is called jyutping and that is what we use and show here. After looking about our ocular glossary, you may find yourself asking, “ what do those numbers behind each word mean ? ” Those represent the tone that the give voice is spoken in, whether that be a low, medium, high, rising, or falling tone. If you don ’ deoxythymidine monophosphate know what tone corresponds to which number, don ’ thymine worry about it ! We besides include voice recordings for each word so you can simply learn the timbre by listening to the recordings .


For Mandarin, the official pronunciation system is called pinyin and that is besides shown for all of our dishes in our glossary. Voice recordings are besides offered in Mandarin american samoa well .
Assortment of Popular Dim Sum Items
An model pronunciation table .
If you want to try ordering in Chinese, but don ’ t know whether to use yue or Mandarin, we would suggest trying Cantonese first and, if that does n’t work, to then try Mandarin second. alternatively, if you ’ ra looking for a specific dish and want to ask a staff member about it, plainly showing the taiwanese name for a serve will work no matter what kind of taiwanese they speak .

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What does the name Dim Sum ( 點心) mean?

Dim Sum ( 點心 ) is defined as the name of this type of taiwanese cuisine or as “ modest snacks ”. It ‘s adenine elementary as that. There are some sources that suggest that blur sum can technically mean “ to touch the heart ”, but this is most likely precisely a product of market and aspirant think. This may be a little alike to how the chinese word “ crisis ” is often forcibly interpreted as a combination of “ danger ” and “ opportunity ”. There ’ second even a wikipedia article about it hera .
Another concern place to look at is the official Hong Kong tourism web site for dim summarize hera. They have the page available in many different languages and all of them mention a variation of “ to touch the heart ”, except for the Traditional and Simplified Chinese versions of the page. rather, the two chinese versions of the page say something along the lines of “ Within black sum lies the intent of a rapacious eater ”. Hm …
The relevant incision in English .
The relevant section in Chinese .
The custom of the word, “ dense ” ( 點 ), in general Chinese can include “ to touch ”, but it is not actually used in that manner often in Cantonese and is specially rare in a dine context. “ Dim ” ( 點 ), as a verb in Cantonese and while in a dine context, normally means to select from a range of choices, “ dim coi ” ( 點菜 ). While still in a boom context, you may besides hear “ dimmed ” ( 點 ) used in extra ways. One way is in “ dim zoeng ” ( 點將 ) which means to dip into a sauce. Another way is in “ dim field-grade officer ” ( 點火 ) which means to light a ardor .
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Next Steps

now that you know the ins and outs of black kernel, feel dislodge to explore the other parts of the locate to further learn about the many different food items that dim total has to offer. It ‘s probably best to familiarize yourself with some of the food items before dine, but if you ‘re reading this while eating black sum, that is absolutely finely as well !

A Visual Glossary for Dim Sum

Check out the ocular glossary of dim sum dishes here !
Bon Appétit !

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