How to Wrap Wontons (Purse, Ingot, Fish & More) – Souper Diaries

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Wrapping wontons is fun and not a daunting as it looks. Learn how to wrap wontons with these different techniques. This position shows you two basic methods plus seven more visualize methods to wow your syndicate and friends .
How to wrap wonton
One of my favorite foods to make and freeze ahead is wontons. They are then commodious for busy days. Just pop the freeze wontons into your soup stock and you ’ ll have a delicious meal in minutes. There are assorted approaches to folding wontons and I will parcel some of them here .
Related post: Shrimp pork won ton soup recipe

How is Different Wonton Shapes Useful?

1. If you ’ re wrapping wontons with a few types of fillings, use different won ton shapes to distinguish the filling inside .
2. Wrapping a big batch of wontons can get flat after awhile, so using different wrapping methods aid to relieve the monotony and make it a fun process .
3. Experimenting with different ways to wrap wontons will help you to find out which is your front-runner method .

Before You Start Wrapping Wontons

Wonton wrapping station
Get the play along items ready :

  • One packet of square wonton wrappers (you can also make wonton wrappers from scratch but pre-made ones will make your life a LOT easier)
  • A small bowl of water.
  • A cheesecloth or towel to cover the wonton skins and wrapped wontons.
  • Kitchen paper (for wiping your hands).
  • A large tray or baking sheet lined with parchment paper (the parchment paper prevents the wonton from sticking to the surface of the tray).

Are you ready to wrap and roll ? ????

The Basic

about all won ton wrapping methods are an extension from either the triangular or rectangular shaped won ton. They ’ re the easiest and most square way to wrap a won ton .
Tip: Whichever way you want to wrap wontons, make indisputable they ’ re sealed by rights therefore that the contents of the won ton will not leak when it is cooked .

Rectangular Wonton

Rectangle wonton

  • Place about a teaspoon (or more if you wish) of wonton filling onto the center of the wrapper.
  • Dab a little water on the edges of the top half of the wonton wrapper.
  • Fold up the wonton skin into half to form a rectangle.
  • Press to seal and smooth out air pockets.

Triangular Wonton

Triangle wonton

  • Place about a teaspoon (or more if you wish) of wonton filling onto the center of the wrapper.
  • Dab a little water on the edges of the top half.
  • Fold the wonton into half to form a triangle.
  • Press to seal and smooth out air pockets.

Rectangular Ingot Wonton

Rectangular ingot wonton

  1. Start with a rectangular wonton.
  2. Wet the bottom left corner of the wrapper. Hold both corners of the wrapper and fold them to the center.
  3. Press to seal the wonton.

Triangular Ingot Wonton

This method is quite similar to the rectangular ingot, except that you start with a triangular won ton .
Triangular ingot wonton

  • Form a triangular wonton.
  • Hold both corners of the wonton and fold them into the center.
  • Dab a little water on the left corner of the wonton.
  • Fold in the right corner and press to seal.

Swallow bird wonton
note : For the last step, you can besides let the two corners overlap ( as shown in the mental picture above ) so that it looks like a tail.

Fish Shaped Wonton

This cute fish shaped won ton requires a little dexterity as the clamber will tear easily ( specially if you put in extra fillings ) if you twist it besides arduous .
Fish shape wonton

  1. Make a triangular wonton.
  2. Roll up the wonton and leave a little space on top to form the mouth of the ‘fish’.
  3. Turn the wonton upside down. Wet the place where your left thumb pinches.
  4. Twist the two corners and seal them.

Related post: Shrimp pork won ton soup recipe

Nurse Cap Wonton

Nurse cap wonton

  1. Start by forming a rectangular wonton.
  2. Hold the left corner. Lift up the bottom slightly and fold it into the center.
  3. Wet the spot where you place your left thumb on the wonton.
  4. Fold in the right corner. Press and seal.

Ruffled Purse Wonton

This is my personal favorite manner to wrap won ton. A cunning purse to hold your goodies !
Ruffled purse wonton

  1. Form a triangular wonton.
  2. Pleat the top of the wonton. Make around 3 to 5 pleats depending on how ‘ruffled’ you want the wonton to be.
  3. Press the top to seal tightly.

Tip: Keep unused wrappers refrigerated and sealed from air so that they won ’ triiodothyronine dry out .

Envelope Wonton

simple and straightforward, the envelope shaped won ton is easy for a founder to learn. This method is bang-up for frying .
Envelope wonton
1. Form a trilateral shaped won ton.
2. Fold in one corner of the wrap and wet the corner with a little water.
3. Fold the other corner and seal .

Pouch Wonton

This squat method acting is great if you want to fill your won ton with slightly more woof. For this condition, it is not necessity to wet the edges. It ’ second my daughter ’ s favored room to wrap wontons .
Pouch wonton

  1. Place filling on the wonton wrapper. Try to position the filling nearer to the top
  2. Scrunch up the wrapper with your thumb and fingers.
  3. Press and seal.

How to wrap wontons
And it ’ s a wrap ! What is your darling manner to wrap won ton ? share with us in the gloss box below !
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For more ideas on how to wrap wontons, check out this television below. Both round and square wrappers are included in the television.

How to fold wontonsHow to wrap wontons in 7 different ways

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