Wonton Noodle Soup Recipe & Video – Seonkyoung Longest

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Wonton Noodle Soup Recipe
Wonton Noodle Soup Recipe !
Soup season is last here. All I ’ ve wanted to eat survive few days were hot and cozy SOUPs ! !
I ’ ve shared the won ton soup recipe, and you all LOVED it so much, I decided to contribution another easy and fast soup recipe, which is… Wonton Noodle Soup !

The won ton recipe is a bit unlike and more significant. It makes more wontons than you need, so you can either freeze them, merely boil in water or fry them to enjoy by themselves besides !
hypertext transfer protocol : //heyreviewfood.com/wontons-chili-oil/
Wontons in Chili Oil 5
hypertext transfer protocol : //heyreviewfood.com/easy-wonton-soup/
so excited to contribution my won ton attic soup recipe with you, sol get ’ s get started !
first, let ’ s make the star topology of the dish, wontons !
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first, chop prawn until it ’ s gluey. It will happen faster than you expected !
nowadays, add the chop shrimp in a large shuffle bowl with ground pork, garlic, ginger, green onions, cornstarch, soy sauce sauce, sesame oil, Shaoxing wine, sugar, and black pepper.
Mix well with a branching or chopsticks in one circular direction .
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Alright, it ’ mho wrapping time ! You will need a square won ton wrapping for this recipe .
present, this won ton wrapping is everywhere ! You shouldn ’ t have a problem getting one… because even the Walmart in Tell City, IN has it ! !
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Bring one dumpling wrapping at a time on your palm and wet the edges slenderly with water. invest 1 heap teaspoon satiate in the middles and fold by bringing all the edges together. No particular skill is required for this type of won ton, and it fair makes indisputable it ’ s well sealed .
Wonton Noodle Soup
If you would like to freeze the dumplings at this phase, home dumplings on a bake sheet as one layer and not touch. then freeze them for a couple of hours. Transfer freeze dumplings in an airtight plastic bulge and seal tight. Keep it freeze .
When the wontons are ready, it ’ randomness time to make the attic soup !
Wonton Noodle Soup
In a medium-large batch ( for 2 portions ), unite pep, garlic, fleeceable onions, shiitake, and chicken livestock. Cover and bring it to boil, reduce heating system to medium-low and simmer for 5 to 10 minutes .
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interim, cut the bok choy into quarters .
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Remove all solid ingredients and discard them except shiitake. Slice the shiitake and set aside, because we ’ re going to serve in the soup !
Season the soup with soy sauce and fish sauce. You can use alone soy sauce sauce if you want. I just prefer the relish from both .
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Cook the egg noodles and bok choy in disjoined boil water if you are cooking a large total or/and your testis noodles are dried or fresh with lots of starch around .
Wonton Noodle Soup Screen%20Shot%202018 12 04%20at%2010.55.08%20AM S
I ’ meter using pre-cooked testis noodles, so I equitable cook in the soup for 1 minute. Remove the noodles from the soup and place them in a serve bowl. I besides cook the bok choy in the soup for 2 to 3 minutes or until it ’ sulfur done as you desire. Remove from the soup and locate on top of the noodles. now is the time to place slice shiitake in the bowl .
Wonton Noodle Soup Recipe
carefully add wontons ( 5 per serving ) into the soup and cook for 5 to 6 minutes. Taste the soup and add salt and pepper to your smack at this compass point .
Wonton Noodle Soup Recipe Wonton Noodle Soup Recipe
Pour the wontons with the soup over the cook noodles and veggies. Garnish with chop green onions if you like .
Wonton Noodle Soup Recipe
love !
Wonton Noodle Soup
Wonton Noodle Soup Recipe

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Wonton Noodle Soup 2

Wonton Noodle Soup

4.7 from 6 reviews

  • generator : Seonkyoung Longest
  • total time : 15 mins
  • give way :


    Noodle Soups/34 to 36 wontons



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Wonton Noodle Soup 1



Read more: Wonton Soup

For the Wontons (Makes 34 to 36 wontons)

  • 1/2 lb peeled and deveined shrimp, finely chopped
  • 1/2 lb ground pork or ground chicken
  • 1 tbsp shaoxing wine or dried sherry
  • 1 tbsp soy sauce
  • 1 tbsp sesame oil
  • 1/2 tbsp cornstarch
  • 2 tsp grated garlic (approximately 3 cloves)
  • 2 tsp grated ginger
  • 2 to 3 green onions, finely chopped
  • 1/4 tsp sugar
  • 1/4 tsp black pepper
  • 34 to 36 square wonton wrappers

For the Noodle Soup (Makes 2 servings)

  • 4 large slices ginger
  • 2 cloves garlic, crushed
  • 2 green onions
  • 1 dried shiitake mushroom
  • 5 cups chicken stock
  • 2 tsp soy sauce
  • 2 tsp fish sauce
  • 2 to 4 heads bok choy or 4 oz of any veggies you like
  • 2 portions egg noodles, I’m using precooked & ready to use egg noodles but you can also use dried or fresh one


  1. In a mixing bowl, combine all ingredients for wontons except the wonton wrappers. Mix well with fork or chopsticks in one circular direction.
  2. Bring one dumpling wrapper at a time one your palm and we the edges slightly with water. Place 1 heaping teaspoon filling in the middles and fold by bring all the edges together. No special skill required for this type of wonton, just makes sure it’s well sealed.
  3. If you would like to freeze the dumplings at this stage, place dumplings on a baking sheet as one layer and not touching. Then freeze them a couple hours. Transfer frozen dumplings in a air tight plastic bag and seal tight. Keep it freeze.
  4. When then wontons are ready, it’s time to make the noodle soup!
  5. In a medium – large pot (for 2 portions), combine ginger, garlic, green onions, shiitake and chicken stock. Cover and bring it to boil, reduce heat to medium low and simmer for 5 to 10 minutes.
  6. Meanwhile cut the bok choy into quarter.
  7. Remove all solid ingredients and discard except shiitake. Slice the shiitake and set aside, because we’re going to serve in the soup!
  8. Season the soup with soy sauce and fish sauce. You can use only soy sauce if you want, I just prefer the flavor from both.
  9. Cook the egg noodles and bok choy in a separate boiling water, if you are cooking large amount or/and your egg noodles are dried or fresh one with lots of starch around.
  10. I’m using precooked egg noodles, so just cooked in the soup for 1 minute. Removed from the soup and place in a serving bowl. I also cook the bok choy in the soup for 2 to 3 minutes or until it’s done as you desired. Remove from the soup and place on top of the noodles. Now is the time to place sliced shiitake in the bowl.
  11. Carefully add wontons (5 per serving) into soup and cook for 5 to 6 minutes. Taste the soup and add salt and pepper to your taste at this point.
  12. Pour the wontons with the soup over the prepared noodles and veggies. Garnish with chopped green onions if you like. Enjoy!
  • cook time : 15 mins

Wonton Noodle Soup Recipe & Video

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